2021-2022 Blakemore Internship at Seattle Art Museum
(due June 07, 2021)
The Seattle Art Museum is committed to offering meaningful Asian art internships to talented University of Washington graduate or advanced undergraduate students with the goal of furthering scholarship and advancing the study of Asian art and culture. The Blakemore Foundation has validated the museum’s vision by generously sponsoring the Blakemore Internship Program, which enables promising young scholars to gain experience working directly with SAM’s renowned Asian art collection and participate in major exhibition and publication projects. Interns will have the opportunity to be mentored by one of SAM’s Asian art curators, and gain practical experience in an area directly related to their studies while working with SAM’s renowned Asian art collection.
Applications are now open for Internships that will take place in fall, winter and/or spring quarters during the 2021-2022 academic year. Interns will receive a stipend for their work (20 hours per week).
Please see the linked document and application form for more information: