Do you have a passion for mission-driven storytelling, impactful research development, community-building, and are seeking to gain experience in the arts?
Please consider applying for Pratt’s newly announced internship opportunities!
Marketing + Communications Intern (Apply by Friday, April 21st)
This position will connect with various people, staff, and stakeholders to formulate a multi-media tapestry which reflects the mission of Pratt Fine Arts Center. Interns will learn how to organize diverse content, build out a narrative and interactive campaigns with targeted goals, work with people and organizational arms from different backgrounds, investigate and synthesize historical material with points of present-day connection, and amplify the voices and perspectives of Pratt and the Seattle community.
Development + Grant Assistance Intern
Our Development and Grant Assistance interns will work with our development team to research grant opportunities and identify grants, partnerships, scholarship programs, and community partners, while assisting with prospective donor identification through current databases and online presence. This 20 hour-a-week position has flextime for completing tasks and assisting the development, marketing, and programming teams through ongoing goals and project-specific tasks.
Preferred candidates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of systemic oppression and the ability to apply an anti-racist lens to all work at Pratt. Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPoC) are encouraged to apply.
Learn how you can get involved at!