Author Archives: ailionadmin

Jill and Jerome both awarded 2016 Graduate Discovery Fellowships

Congratulations to two of our wonderful graduate students, Jill Hoyt and Jerome Cattin, for receiving the 2016 Graduate Discovery Fellowship!

Jill will be embarking on a three-month fellowship to work with Dr. Robby Weimer at Genentech in San Francisco. Weimer’s lab uses optical imaging techniques to study neuronal synaptic connectivity in animals and disease models.

Jerome’s four-month fellowship will be spent at the International Rice Research Institute in Los Banos, the Philippines. He will join the gene discovery team, which investigates the function of candidate genes within rice strains.

Read more about the 2016 Graduate Discover Fellowships here.

As We Enter a New Month…

It’s that time again! What time, you ask? The time to turn our calendar page over? Well, yes, do that, but it’s also the time that a new sticker is created for the November 15C worm box! As worm strains are frozen, we keep a plate at 15C in case something goes wrong with the freezing process. Worms can live as dauers at 15C for several months! Also featured are some of the previous month’s stickers.

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Our Worm Alter-Egos

Special thanks to Jill for her beautiful artistic renderings of the Ailion lab members as worms!