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Articles written about UW Leaders:

"Some of my best friends in the world I've met through UW Leaders."
- Josh McCammon

"This program allowed me to encounter a handful of astounding colleagues while furthering my development in leadership. My wish for this program is to have students understand the influence it had on my new found abilities and to experience the same satisfaction."
- Thanh Tran

"At such a large university, it was hard to obtain a sense of community. UW Leaders is my second family. Leaders continue to help me find my place at the University of Washington. I really had fun getting to know everyone at the retreat and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity! My mentor from last year, Sonia Carney, has become one of my closest friends. She is always there when I have questions about classes and professors to take of just to chat. Recently, she helped me get my very first lab job. I am really enjoying this valuable job opportunity that became a possibility through my association with leaders. There is more to school than just lectures and books. Getting to know people, discovering what you like to do, and feeling the satisfaction of lending a helping hand are just some of the things I have gained from being a part of UW Leaders."
- Rochelle Wavrin

"I really had fun in this awesome program. I met a lot of cool people. It was the most exciting and beneficial thing I did freshman year."
- Marini Marini

"UW Leaders was such a positive experience. I've met the most incredible people through this program. I recommend all freshmen, sohpomores, and tranfer juniors to apply and join the fun."
- Tien Huang

"When I first came to UW, I knew that I wanted to get involved on campus in someway, but I didn't know what. My Fig Leader told me about UW Leaders and I almost missed out on the opportunity to be apart of UW Leaders because I was hesitant in applying. Now that I look back, I don't know what my college experience would be like without it. I have learned so much during my duration in the program, not only about leadership but also about myself. I know that I can't do everything on my own, and its okay to ask others for help. This program has also been a great avenue for me to get involved in various committees and programs in UW, and I have met some of my closest friends through the program."
- Christine Lee

"What I appreciate most about UW Leaders is that I have had the Opportunity to grow in my leadership skills, as well as implement them in a positive way throughout my community and campus. The Leader's program has challenged, yet stimulated me since my freshman year; causing me to grow in my strongest attributes while learning how to work with others who are equally motivated."
- Anna Zeman

"What I thought about the program: Joining the Leaders program was one of the best choices I have made as a college student. You learn skills that you can apply to your every day lives, like time management, communication, and commitment. On top of learning these leadership skills you get to know some of the coolest people you will ever meet, make going the weekly meeting exciting and fun.
- Robert Tam

"I first heard about UW Leaders from a friend that had gone through the program. "I had been heavily involved in student government in high school, but was a little overwhelmed with how big the UW campus seemed. UW Leaders helped me feel more at home and realize that every student has an important voice worthy of being heard."
- Enrique Gonzalez

"I love UW Leaders for the very reason that it introduced me to so many fabulous and unique individuals who I never would have met otherwise. It's really encouraging to find other people who share your same goals academically and outside school."
- Sandhya "Sunny" Agrawal

"It's a great program. As a freshmen three years ago, I didn't know what I was going to do at the UW. After reading an e-mail from my Fig leader, I thought I'd give it a try. I applied and was accepted. I was probably one of the best decisions I've made in my life. The program was great; I had a good experience. I met new people and learned a lot about leadership. If I were to name one thing I got out of the program, it would be college is a place to learn new things and to meet new people."
- Glenda Lin

"UW Leaders has been one of the best experiences that I have had the privilege of being a part of at this University. Not only did I develop my understanding of the student government on campus, but through UW Leaders I have formed many friendships."
- Mike Pope

"What makes this program special is to be able to have a connection with other students that have the same desire and passion as you do. You put everybody's different gifts together and we have an elite group of minds that together can change the word, or at least for the time being, have loads of laughs and fun J. "
- Nancy Bang

"I came to this university with a strong desire to be involved in student government in some way. My OMA Mentor and then Student Regent - John Amaya, highly suggested the UW Leaders program to me. Not only have I gained a much greater understanding of my personal skills and capabilities, but most importantly I learned when to limit my responsibilities especially when they apply in group projects. I had a memorable freshman year as a Leader, and a definitive learning experience last year as a Curriculum Mentor. It's exciting to come back as a Core Mentor, and be a large aspect of the programs overwhelming growth and progress other than the content of the program itself. I've made some of my best friends through UW Leaders, all of which I will never forget."
- Nate Caminos

"UW leaders is one of my best college experiences. And the people here--leaders, mentors, program coordinators, etc.--are the best part of the program. All awesome. I will recommend it to everyone!"

-Jimmy Kwong

"UW Leaders incorporates the raw emotion and talent from students who are capable of taking the leadership role to the extreme without any sugar coating, providing for the most awesome college experience ever conceived by human beings!! WOOHOO!!"

-Faraz Zarghami


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