Dyslexia Evaluation
- The LEARN Clinic at UW
- This UW-based clinic has two categories of assessment (for <18 years old, and >18 years old)
- For <18 year olds the clinic performs comprehensive assessments covering specific learning disabilities and ADHD
- For >18 year olds the clinic provides both comprehensive assessments and a specific, focused ADHD assessment
- The wait list for appointments is usually 2-4 months and reports are returned within 4-6 weeks
- The cost is $3200-$3900 and because UW graduate students are involved, insurance companies are unlikely to cover
- There are reduced fees based on a sliding scale for those families for which the cost would present a financial hardship
- Contact the LEARN clinic directly at 206.616.2393
- WABIDA has information about other clinicians who will perform evaluations/assessments in the Seattle area
Dyslexia/Literacy Information
- I-LABS Outreach Module library
- Washington State Dyslexia Resource Guide
- Essentials of Early Literacy Instruction – National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Florida Center for Reading Research
- Dyslexic Advantage has some information and does great work to deal with the stigma surrounding Dyslexia
- Children of the Code has a variety of resources including videos of interviews with researchers in the field of reading/dyslexia.
- Decoding Dyslexia is a parent run grass-roots movement around dyslexia
- You Need to /r/ /ee/ /d/ to Read – a helpful article to remind skilled reading adults what it means to learn to read
Dyslexia Treatments / Programs
- What Works Clearinghouse – If you are looking into a program and wondering if it has quality research backing
- Read Naturally
- Raz Kids
- Reading Rockets
- ReadWriteThink
- Student Center Activities – Florida Center for Reading Research
- Wired for Reading is an option for individualized tutoring, kids have given great reviews. (Seattle specific)
- ReadWorks
- Reading Partners
- Proust & the Squid, by Maryanne Wolf
- Reading in the Brain, by Stanislas Dehaene
- Language at the Speed of Sight, by Mark Seidenberg
- Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz
- Tales of Literacy for the 21st Century, by Maryanne Wolf