Bunchgrass Ridge

Restoration of montane meadows in western Oregon:
Research and adaptive management

Home > Research > 3. Effects of gophers > Conclusions
3. Effects of gopher mounds on community structure
Study area
1. Conifer invasion
2. Vegetation responses
3. Effects of gophers
> Conclusions
4. Restoration experiment
Key findings
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Plant succession on gopher mounds is rapid, achieved through resprouting of buried plants and lateral growth of plants in adjacent meadow. Although mound creation does not enhance the diversity of species that inhabit meadows (i.e. it does not facilitate disturbance-dependent species), it does have two important ecological effects:
  • it reduces dominance of graminoids that would outcompete forbs in the absence of disturbance
  • it increases spatial variability in species composition, creating new patches that support differing, and less predictable, combinations of species

In the absence of gophers, meadows that currently support a diverse array of forbs and graminoids would become increasingly dominated by a small number of grasses and sedges.

Jones, C. C., C. B. Halpern, and J. Niederer. 2008. Plant succession on gopher mounds in western Cascade meadows: consequences for species diversity and heterogeneity. American Midland Naturalist 159:275-286. Request reprint
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