
Dr. Amy Hinterberger Gives Lightning Talk at the Society + Technology UW Inaugural Convening – Jan. 10

We’re thrilled to announce that Amy Hinterberger, PhD, from the Department of Bioethics and Humanities, will give a lightning talk highlighting the department’s work on technology and healthcare ethics for the Society + Technology at UW Inaugural Convening today, Friday, January 10th! 

Building Bridges: Uniting Permanent Supportive Housing, Healthcare, and Social Services for Ethical Impact | HMC Ethics Forum

Learn about what Plymouth Housing is doing to bridge efforts between the housing, healthcare and social services sector to better serve our unhoused community. Learn how structural changes made between these sectors can create greater ethical impact while improving health outcomes, quality of life, and equity.


1. Identify at least 3 major ethical concerns related to integration of health/behavioral health services in PSH.

Reproductive Bioethics: A Local and National Perspective | HMC Ethics Forum

This presentation is an overview of timeless and emerging topics in reproductive bioethics, with a focus on topics in education and on recent challenges to patient autonomy and practice.


1. Define reproductive bioethics;

2. Describe unique ethical challenges in teaching and practice;

3. Review recent local and national bioethics cases.

About the Speaker:

Gun Violence Prevention: What Is Possible? | Harborview Ethics Forum

Please join the Bioethics and Humanities department for a Harborview Ethics Forum presentation by Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, PhD: Gun Violence Prevention: What Is Possible?.

This presentation will summarize the scope of gun violence in the United States and review specific approaches with the greatest potential to prevent it and reduce its harmful consequences. Dr. Rowhani-Rahbar will describe the scope of gun violence in the United States and identify specific approaches with the greatest potential to prevent gun violence and reduce its harmful consequences.

Harborview Ethics Forum

Harborview Ethics Forums are held the second Wednesday of each month, although this schedule is subject to change. If you have suggestions for future forums, please direct your comments to: Dr. Diane Timberlake, Department of Family Medicine, Box 358732, 206/520-2441.  To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at 206.543.6450/V, 206.546.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264/FAX, or email