SLIMMER Installation

SLIMMER Tool Installation Guide

A. Linux

1. Install RView

Download RView (download) and install.

2. Install slimmer tools

Download slimmer tools (download) and install binary files and included subdirectories into RView binary directory.

3. Modify stack memory size

Linux systems often have limits to the stack memory size. It is recommended to remove the stack memory limit. Add following command in .bashrc.
ulimit -s unlimited
Since the line in .bashrc is not called until a logout-login process is done, run above line before running the slimmer tools first time.

B. Windows XP/Vista/7/8

1. Install RView

Download RView (download) and install.

2. Install slimmer tools

Download slimmer tools (download) and install included files and subdirectories into the RView directory.
It is typically
c:\Program Files\RViewQT (XP/Vista)
c:\Program Files(x86)\RViewQT (7/8).

C. Macintosh

1. Install RView

2. Install slimmer tools

3. Modify stack memory size