CATTS :: Information for Teachers

Information for Teachers

If you have a student age 5.5 to 12 years of age who appears to need treatment for ADHD, consider referral to our study. Because our study aims to provide support to families and primary care physicians, children must be referred to the study by their PCPs.

Steps to enroll your student:

1 Print the CATTS Teacher Enrollment Packet and give to family
Letter For ParentsLetter For DoctorEnrollment form for student's doctorOther information for doctor
2Talk to your student’s parent/guardian about the study. If they are interested, give them these documents to bring to their child’s primary care provider.

Once a child is enrolled in the CATTS study, we ask his/her teacher to complete several short online questionnaires throughout the six months of the study. The information that teachers provide us is a very important part of our research. It is important to assess how a child is doing at home as well as at school. As a thank you, we send participating teachers $20 each time they complete a questionnaire.

Please share information about CATTS with your colleagues!