Abaris is a fully functioning prototype capture and access application to support therapists who perform Discrete Trial Training therapy, a current best practice intervention for children with autism. We have evaluated Abaris in homes and schools to determine its effectiveness in supporting data-based decision-making through better collaboration, better access to reliable artifacts, and higher confidence in decision-making. Abaris was published at Ubicomp 2004, Ubicomp 2005, CSCW 2006, and PUC 2012.
Julie Kientz
Sebastian Boring
Beki Grinter
Gillian Hayes
Gregory Abowd
- Hayes, G. R., Kientz, J. A., Truong, K. N., White, D. R., Abowd, G. D., & Pering, T. (2004, September). Designing capture applications to support the education of children with autism. In International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 161-178). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Kientz, J. A., Boring, S., Abowd, G. D., & Hayes, G. R. (2005, September). Abaris: Evaluating automated capture applied to structured autism interventions. In International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 323-339). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Kientz, J. A., Hayes, G. R., Abowd, G. D., & Grinter, R. E. (2006, November). From the war room to the living room: decision support for home-based therapy teams. In Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported cooperative work (pp. 209-218). ACM.
- Kientz, J. A., Hayes, G. R., Westeyn, T. L., Starner, T., & Abowd, G. D. (2007). Pervasive computing and autism: Assisting caregivers of children with special needs. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(1), 28-35.
- Kientz, J. A. (2012). Embedded capture and access: encouraging recording and reviewing of data in the caregiving domain. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16(2), 209-221.