
Below are current and past research projects conducted by members of the CHiLL Lab. Please see the respective project web pages linked to find associated researchers, publications, and any relevant downloads.

New Applications for Health & Wellbeing

Screen shot of timeline from Baby Steps web portal


Baby Steps



Self-experimentation framework flowchart showing process a person goes through to generate and test hypotheses.


Self-Experimentation for Health



Screen shots of SmartQuit showing urges passed button and Anytime Coaching





Computer view of ShoulderCam interface





Screen shot of MyTime where user is given notice and encouragement to work on a goal



Technology Use in Children & Families



Screen Time Transitions



Family using technology together


Family Technology Rules



Parent using mobile phone at playground


Texting While Parenting



Example of an embellished progress bar indicating progress toward a goal that was used in the study


Children’s Understanding of Symbolism in User Interfaces



Example of a symbolic prompt to teach a child to shake a tablet used in our study


Children’s Understanding of Touchscreen Prompts

Accessibility and Inclusion

Photo collage of various gaming devices for people with disabilities.


Video Game Accessibility



User receiving eyes free feedback about an incorrect Warrior 2 pose


Eyes Free Yoga



Blind tandem cyclist. Photo credit: By Australian Paralympic Committee, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Eyes Free Exercise Opportunities



Main menu of Incloodle where kids can tap a face to get a photo prompt





Two kids playing with Incloodle


Opportunities for Inclusive Play



Abaris video review interface.





Left: FETCH tag attached to a TV remote; Right: FETCH tag with raised lines indicating the ID number





Cover of Morgan & Claypool book "Interactive Technologies for Autism"


Interactive Technologies for Autism

Supporting Healthy Sleep

Photo of Lullaby prototype










Mobile timeline for entering sleep data





Design concept for an app to support healthy sleep


Sleep Technologies Design Space








BuddyClock on a bedside table





Graph of app usage type over hours of the day


Cognitive Rhythms

Understanding and Evaluating User Burden

user burden scale


User Burden Scale



Example messaging for sharing a test result


Empathy in Health Technologies





Privacy for Sensing & Inference in the Home



Diary for capturing weight over time


Understanding Weight Scales

New Design and Evaluation Methods

Excerpt from example survey. User is presented with a scenario and then an automatically generated accuracy is presented. Users must rate how acceptable this system would be. The result is an ROC curve that shows how users value precision vs. recall.


Acceptability of Accuracy Validated Measure





Personality and Persuasive Technology








MindBloom website evaluated for study


Heuristic Evaluation of Persuasive Health Technologies



Left: Bus Mobile where tokens closest to the top indicate a bus is about to arrive Right: Daylight display where lamp gradually dims as sunset approaches


Heuristic Evaluation of Ambient Displays

Understanding Technology Use and Design

Left shows bluetooth badge worn by study participants. Right shows example output of proximity timeline visualization we showed to participants.


Studying the Proximity of Users to Mobile Phones



Example prototypes of context-aware applications developed by designers who participated in our study


Designers’ Perspectives on Context



Graph showing a long tail of activity types that QS members track


Understanding Quantified Selfers