Below are current and past research projects conducted by members of the CHiLL Lab. Please see the respective project web pages linked to find associated researchers, publications, and any relevant downloads.
New Applications for Health & Wellbeing
Self-Experimentation for Health
Technology Use in Children & Families
Children’s Understanding of Symbolism in User Interfaces
Children’s Understanding of Touchscreen Prompts
Accessibility and Inclusion
Eyes Free Exercise Opportunities
Opportunities for Inclusive Play
Interactive Technologies for Autism
Supporting Healthy Sleep
Sleep Technologies Design Space
Understanding and Evaluating User Burden
Empathy in Health Technologies
Privacy for Sensing & Inference in the Home
New Design and Evaluation Methods
Acceptability of Accuracy Validated Measure
Personality and Persuasive Technology
Heuristic Evaluation of Persuasive Health Technologies
Heuristic Evaluation of Ambient Displays
Understanding Technology Use and Design
Studying the Proximity of Users to Mobile Phones
Designers’ Perspectives on Context