FETCH (Finding Everything using Technology Convenient and Handy) is a mobile system for aiding the visually impaired in locating their misplaced objects in many locations. Through a focus group and individual interviews with the visually impaired, we discovered a need for a quick, temporary tagging system for frequently lost objects that can be used in many locations. We deployed this system with 4 users in visual impairments on a mobile phone using Bluetooth tags. This work was published at ASSETS 2006.

Left: FETCH tag attached to a TV remote; Right: FETCH tag with raised lines indicating the ID number


Julie Kientz
Shwetak Patel
Arwa Tyebkhan
Brian Gane
Jennifer Wiley
Gregory Abowd


  • Kientz, J. A., Patel, S. N., Tyebkhan, A. Z., Gane, B., Wiley, J., & Abowd, G. D. (2006, October). Where’s my stuff?: design and evaluation of a mobile system for locating lost items for the visually impaired. In Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (pp. 103-110). ACM.