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Powerpoint Slide Shows

These powerpoint slide shows introduce special themes and sections of the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. They are perfect for classroom use.

"Seattle's Segregation Story"
Powerpoint with video segments

Seattle has a long history of racial discrimination and segregation. Until the late 1960s, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans were shut out of most neighborhoods, schools, many occupations, and sometimes stores and restaurants. This slide show explores Seattle segregation using maps, documents, photographs, and video oral history excerpts. It clarifies the distinction between segregation as practiced in southern states and Seattle's version. And it reveals shocking facts about hospitals that would not treat patients of color, stores that would not serve African Americans or Asian Americans, and real estate firms that organized neighborhoods to keep them segregated.

"Seattle’s Civil Rights History: Movements and Milestones"
Powerpoint with video segments

This slide show provides an introduction to the long history of civil rights activism in the Seattle area, exploring the organizations created by Native Americans, African Americans, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino Americans, Jews, and Latinos. It also shows critical milestones in the struggles for rights and equality.

"Black Panthers Tell Their Stories"
Powerpoint with video segments

The Black Panther Party made a major impact on Seattle. With their black berets, leather jackets, and commitment to armed self defense, the Panthers became role models to some, scared others. Either way, the organization showed Seattle that struggles for racial justice had moved beyond persuasion and nonviolent protest. This slide show introduces the special section on Seattle’s Black Panther Party. In videotaped oral history segments, former Panthers talk about their reasons for joining the Party and their experiences in the organization. Former mayor Wes Uhlman tells of FBI plans to raid Panther headquarters and his reasons for intervening to prevent bloodshed. The slide show begins by establishing the background of segregation facing African Americans in Seattle. Also included are key Panther documents and riveting photographs.

"Raza Si! Chicano Activism in Washington State 1965- present"
Powerpoint with video segments

The Chicano movement emerged in two locales in the 1960s: in the Yakima Valley, which was home to most of the state's Latinos, and in Seattle and especially the University of Washington, where Chicano students launched many new initiatives. Reflecting the split geography, the movement linked together campaigns to organize and support farmworkers with projects that served urban communities and educational agendas. This slide show tells the story of Chicano activism across forty years. It includes short videotaped interviews with veterans of MEChA, Brown Berets, United Farmworkers, El Centro de la Raza, and other organizations.

"Youth in the Seattle Civil Rights Movements"
Powerpoint with video segments

Students at the University of Washington, Seattle Central Community College, and in Seattle’s high schools played an important role in the region’s civil rights history, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. This slide show explores that generation of student activists.

"Women in Seattle's Civil Rights Movements"
Powerpoint with video segments

Seattle’s female civil rights activists have unique stories. As people of color, they battled racial discrimination. As women, they battled sex discrimination. The intersection of these two fights sometimes pitted women of color against those who should have been allies. This slide show explores female activists’ particular experiences in Seattle’s civil rights movements. It features video oral history excerpts from interviews with female activists from different civil rights movements.