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GLC Subcommittees

In 2006 the GLC started several subcommittees designed to bring graduate students together for academic and social collaboration. In addition to maintaining the brown bag, Istoria, conference, colloquium, and social committees we (the current GLC) initiated a website committee. The faculty search committee will, hopefully, be reinstated when a new search begins at some point in the future. Below is a description of each of the committees and what they have done in the past and what they might do in the future.

Brown Bag Committee: Organizes at least two “brown bag” lunch meetings a term to discuss practical and pedagogical issues facing graduate students. The committee brings in one or more guest speakers from the department, the UW, or the wider community to offer their expertise on various topics. Past brown bags have included an introduction to Endnote, advice on preparing for exams, funding opportunities, and how to go about publishing academic papers.

Istoria: An online journal featuring articles from graduate students throughout the department. The committee is made up of an editorial board responsible for soliciting, evaluating, and editing manuscripts from all fields of history. For more information visit their website.

Conference committee:  Organizes what will hopefully be an annual interdisciplinary history conference.  The first conference entitled “Talking Across Borders” was held in April 2008 on the University of Washington campus. The committee is working with students from other regional schools to sustain the yearly conference by sharing responsibility and cost.

Colloquium committee: The colloquium committee organizes the presentation of graduate student and faculty member papers for roundtable comment.

Social committee: The social committee is responsible for organizing departmental events ranging from happy hours to pizza parties. In addition they assist the department with the beginning and end of year picnics.

Website committee: Started in 2007 to design and implement a long-term internet home for the GLC, Istoria, and information of use to current and perspective history graduate students. The website committee is responsible for creating and maintaining content for the graduate student website.

Recruitment committee: Works with the graduate office and the GLC to arrange housing, transportation, and social interactions for potential students.
In addition, students have independently organized their own reading and theory groups as well a social events like movie night. Feel free to come to us with other committee ideas or to use gradhist to publicize your own events/groups.

What we want from you:  If you are interested in joining one or more of the above committees please email with the committee name(s). Committees are open to anyone who wants to join whether you are a first year student trying to make connections or a more senior graduate student seeking an escape from your dissertation.

Graduate Liaison Committee and Subcommittees for 2008-2009

Graduate Liaison Committee (GLC)
Katharine Chapman
Devon McCurdy
Andrew Stone

GLC Subcommittees
Brown Bag—Nathan Roberts, chair
Chong Eun Ahn

Colloquia Committee—Chad Garcia, chair

Mira Green
Chris Holmes
Stefan Kamola
Alan Lumba
Casey Nichols
Andrew Stone

Grad Conference Committee—Chris Herbert, chair

Stephen Crimmins
Laura Erickson
Allan Lumba
Mira Green

Grad Recruitment—To be announced

Istoria—Scott Brown , Editor-in-chief

Steve Beda
Katharine Chapman
Chad Garcia
Rebecca Hughes
Allan Lumba
Shruti Patel
Maria Quintana
Andrew Stone
Catherine Warner

Social Committee—Stefan Kamola, chair

Website CommitteeWendi Willeford, chair
Steve Beda
Jason Shattuck
Kelsey Williams

Other appointments


Stefan Kamola

Union Representative
Steve Beda

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