D Center

D Center Research Request Policy – UW Students

The D Center Research Request Policy

The D Center has the following policy in regards to requests for participants and support in UW research projects. While we support and celebrate research on disability and D/deafness, we are also committed to challenging research practices which have historically marginalized and ‘othered’ disabled and D/deaf people.

As a result here is a list of the options we provide for supporting research projects:

  • We will allow students, faculty and groups to post flyers requesting research participants in the D Center, provided non-oppressive language is used in the request. We will also post the flyers in text readable format on our FaceBook page.

  • We will not allow students, faculty or group representatives to come into the D Center with the purpose of asking community members if they will be a part of their research project.

  • We will not send out specific emails to our list serve for research projects, but time permitted, may be able to provide a brief summary and contact person in our monthly e-newsletter.

*The D Center staff will not provide references or resources for students looking for research participants, nor will we design and print flyers.

*If a student is off campus and unable to come in, we will offer to print up to 3 copies of a completed flyer and put up in the D Center space.

For any further questions, please email dcenter@uw.edu