next-up Magazine

Interactive, Print, Publication

Contour Companion

Consumer Product

Chemo Kids

Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment, Social Impact

In the Beginning

Print, Publication

Free Communities

Motion, Social Impact, Web Design

When I Grow Up

Information, Interactive


Consumer Product, Interactive, Mobile, Web Design


Industrial Equipment

Play Hard Work Hard

Environment, Interactive, Social Impact

Communications Firefighter Mask

Industrial Equipment

Sling Case

Industrial Equipment


Consumer Product, Household Goods, Interactive, Systems


Print, Publication, Social Impact

Medicine Dispenser

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Urban Rest Stop for Ballard?

Environment, Social Impact

Honey Pie

Branding, Print, Systems

SCBA Fire Fighter Helmet

Industrial Equipment

Salvage Magazine

Print, Publication

Peak Magazine

Print, Publication

Le Petunia & Fanté

Consumer Product


Information, Interactive, Mobile, Systems

Arty Party

Branding, Print

Outer Spaces Conference

Branding, Print, Systems


Consumer Product


Consumer Product, Household Goods



Worldly Birds

Information, Interactive


Industrial Equipment

Vui Tofu Maker

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Wildland Firefighter Mask

Industrial Equipment

c-lapse Camera Slider

Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment

Colnago Rebrand

Branding, Print, Web Design

Making is Learning

Information, Interactive, Systems

Sonic Visuals

Environment, Information, Interactive, Motion

A Bitch Is a Lady Dog

Interactive, Social Impact

Rille Typeface


Kinematic Roofing

Industrial Equipment


Consumer Product, Interactive, Mobile

Thrive Conference

Branding, Environment, Print, Systems, Web Design

Sidecountry Shovel Pack

Consumer Product

Tile Lamp

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Fire Helmet Mount

Industrial Equipment

Patient-Centered Design for Chemotherapy

Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment, Interactive

Community Slate

Environment, Interactive, Mobile, Social Impact, Systems, Web Design

Are Tests Failing Us?

Environment, Interactive

Ham & Brie

Branding, Print


Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment

Marko: Travel Guide

Interactive, Mobile

Hiatus Chair

Consumer Product, Household Goods, Interactive


Consumer Product, Information, Interactive, Motion

Scope Magazine

Print, Publication

Women and Water

Information, Print, Social Impact

Short Haul Airline Seating

Industrial Equipment

Shooting Hoops

Information, Print, Publication

Stem – Prosthetic Aid

Industrial Equipment, Social Impact

Be Here

Interactive, Mobile

Oh Shit

Interactive, Mobile, Social Impact


Consumer Product, Household Goods


Branding, Consumer Product, Interactive

Hotel Indigo Rebrand

Branding, Print, Web Design

Crate to Plate

Branding, Consumer Product, Interactive, Mobile, Motion, Social Impact, Systems, Web Design

Auggie Sans Typeface


Animalia Magazine

Interactive, Print, Publication


Consumer Product

Trade in

Interactive, Mobile, Social Impact, Systems

Ni’t | A Single Serve Coffee Maker

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Flight Deck Visualization Research

Interactive, Motion, Systems

Arts Corps Rebrand

Branding, Motion, Print

Single Cup Coffee Maker

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Contour² Camera Mount

Consumer Product

The Shame Bathroom

Environment, Interactive, Social Impact, Systems

Silence Magazine

Print, Publication

Ahead in the Count

Information, Interactive, Web Design

Party 360

Consumer Product

Arts Corps Rebrand

Branding, Print, Systems, Web Design

Haiti Babi

Branding, Print, Social Impact, Web Design

Case of the Three Little Pigs

Consumer Product, Interactive, Motion

Activ8: Architecture Conference Identity

Print, Systems

Newspaper Napoleon


Everyday Science

Motion, Web Design

Timbre Typeface


Gyre Magazine

Print, Publication

The Ups & Downs of Pioneer Square

Information, Motion, Social Impact, Systems

Plastic in the Pacific Ocean

Information, Print, Social Impact

Muscle Oximeter

Industrial Equipment


Environment, Systems

Wesley to the Moon

Interactive, Motion, Publication, Social Impact

Three Little Pigs

Consumer Product, Interactive, Motion

Fire Hydrant Project

Industrial Equipment


Consumer Product

Addo Magazine

Print, Publication

La Luce Della Bicicletta

Household Goods

Intuitive Fire Extinguisher

Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment

The Cube, Adjustable Stool

Household Goods

Asics Rebrand

Branding, Web Design

Tales of Seven Kingdoms


Pathway: Mapping Your Time

Consumer Product, Information, Interactive, Mobile, Systems

Emma & Oliver Magazine

Print, Publication

Fossils of the National Parks

Web Design

Nest Conference

Branding, Print

Busy Bee Housecleaning

Branding, Interactive, Motion, Print, Systems, Web Design

Flux Snowshoe

Consumer Product

Throw It Back!

Environment, Information, Social Impact, Systems


Mobile, Print, Publication


Interactive, Print, Publication


Consumer Product


Information, Interactive, Mobile, Motion, Systems, Web Design

Bring Back the Sonics!

Information, Print

Kinematic Solar Panels

Industrial Equipment

Design Education Poster

Information, Print


Consumer Product, Interactive, Mobile, Social Impact

Coffee Time

Consumer Product, Household Goods

The Study of Life

Interactive, Mobile, Publication

Cobra Stool

Household Goods

Things, Bridges & Towers: Drawing Patterns and Structure from Text

Information, Interactive

Contour Collaboration: Spider Mount

Consumer Product

Car Fire Extinguisher

Consumer Product, Household Goods, Industrial Equipment


Consumer Product, Household Goods

Flux Conference

Branding, Motion, Print, Systems, Web Design

Turn Off the Lights

Motion, Social Impact

Architectural Conference

Branding, Environment, Print, Systems

Design for Us: Workshop + Toolkit

Social Impact

Violet Type Design


AuthentiCity 2012

Branding, Environment, Print, Systems, Web Design

Clavicle Support

Consumer Product

Pivot: Empowering Trafficked Victims

Interactive, Print, Social Impact

Thermal Imager

Industrial Equipment


Print, Publication

Urban Beehive

Consumer Product, Social Impact

Stepped Stool

Consumer Product, Household Goods

Brew Magazine

Interactive, Mobile, Publication

Hotel Indigo

Branding, Print

Sovereignty Magazine

Print, Publication


Consumer Product, Household Goods

UI Kit

Consumer Product, Interactive

World Cup Infographics

Information, Print

Firefighting Helmet

Industrial Equipment

Lingering Smoke

Environment, Interactive

Form Study Puzzle

Consumer Product


Consumer Product

Bare Minimum

Consumer Product

The Perfect Swim

Information, Print, Publication


Interactive, Mobile, Motion, Social Impact

Chorveo Magazine

Print, Publication

The Legend of the Fire Spirit


Arts Corps

Branding, Print


Consumer Product, Interactive


Interactive, Print, Publication

Zam Cam

Consumer Product, Household Goods


Consumer Product, Household Goods

Pylon Conference

Branding, Print, Web Design

Spotter: Making Place Personal

Information, Interactive, Mobile

Grubbing Multi-Tool

Industrial Equipment

Talus: Adjustable Prosthetic Foot

Consumer Product, Industrial Equipment, Social Impact, Systems

The Big Business of College Football

Information, Print, Publication