
Medical Students Reach Out to Small Communities

Teach Osteoporosis Prevention Measures

Residents of smaller towns in the West are being educated about osteoporosis—its causes and prevention measures—thanks to School of Medicine students, the Rural Underserved Opportunities Program (R/UOP), and the Bergan Osteoporosis Education Fund. Dr. Hal Bergan is a retired physician in Yakima who gave a gift to the School of Medicine to increase osteoporosis awareness.

The program is called the ROSE (Rural Osteoporosis Student Educator) project. Dr. Mary Laya, assistant professor of medicine, directs the Bergan Osteoporosis Education Fund and the ROSE project. She said that the project came about because of the students’ desire to give something back to the communities that welcomed them as trainees.

DeWitt and Matthew in medical library

Hollie Matthew (right) studied patient education on osteoporosis while training with Dr. Christopher Hatlestad (not shown) in the Rural/ Underserved Opportunities Program in Longview, Wash. Her research mentor was Dr. Dawn DeWitt (left), associate professor of medicine.

Medical students volunteer their time for this health education project. Laya described the students as motivated and innovative. In preparation, they attend a workshop on teaching preventive measures, helping people change behavior, and tailoring their general presentation skills to different audiences. Students are given materials and advice on seeking out contacts in the communities, determining venues, and targeting groups ranging from nursing home residents to adolescent sports teams.

Physician and UW Professor Emeritius Dr. Hal Bergen believes in the power of education for medical students and for patients. For the past few years, he has supported clinician training and community outreach programs undertaken by School of Medicine students. In the past year, Bergen further demonstrated this commitment by establishing two endowment funds: the Harold G. Bergen Endowed Fund for Osteoporosis Education and the Harold G. Bergen Endowed Fund for Osteoporosis Research.

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