Allen Signature Award Received for Project Preservation Work

On November 20, 2014, Charlene Chou (Head of Technical Services / Chinese Studies Cataloger at the East Asia Library and Technical Manager at UW for our CLIR Project), Stephanie Lamson (Head of Preservation Services), and Kathryn Leonard (Conservation Supervisor) applied for an Allen Signature Award for funding to begin much needed preservation work on the many CLIR Project items at UW that are in poor physical condition.

On February 24, 2015, the team was notified by the Allen Signature Awards Review Committee that we would receive our full requested amount of $12,510.  The award will provide enough support to fund student hourly and materials costs to stabilize and house 1,000 items over the course of the 2015 year.

Congratulations to Charlene, Stephanie, and Kate for their successful application, and our sincere appreciation to the Review Committee and to the Kenneth S. and Faye G. Allen Library Endowment for providing this award!

More about the project’s preservation needs and work >>