UBC Team Visits UW (2015-02-04)

DSCN1655On February 4, 2015, the team from UBC came down to UW for a day of meetings and discussion about the project, plus tours of the collections and work spaces.  It was a great visit and very productive, resulting in many good ideas that will give us more to think about and plan for our continued collaboration.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
10:30 a.m. : UBC Team arrives, tea & coffee
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. : Meeting & tours
4:30 p.m. : UBC Team departs

11:00 a.m. Welcome and Agenda Zhijia
11:05 a.m. Remarks Hana & Lea
11:15 a.m. PPT presentation: Workflow of CLIR project at UW Charlene
11:35 a.m. Preservation policies and practices and Chinese ancient books Stephanie
11:55 a.m. Prof. Yao’s work plan at UBC Hana & Jing
12:05 p.m. CLIR symposium presentation Jing, Zhijia, Ya Min, & Boyue
12:15 p.m. Discussion and Summary Zhijia, Jing, & All
12:30 p.m. Catered lunch with UW colleagues (Gowen M2) All
1:15 p.m. Dean Wilson will stop by to welcome the team
Group photo
1:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        Tours All
1:45 p.m.  Tour EAL and its Special Collections Room Zhijia
2:00 p.m.  Tour Special Collections in Suzzallo:
Chinese rare books
Sandra Kroupa
2:30 p.m.  Tour UW Conservation Unit Kate & Stephanie
3:00 p.m.  Tour CLIR Project work areas Charlene
3:20 p.m.  Tour Suzzallo-Allen Library,
Research Commons, & OUGL
Zhijia & Charlene
4:00 p.m. Concluding discussion All
4:30 p.m. Depart from UW to return to UBC UBC Team

We gathered for a group photo in the UW East Asia Library Reading Room.DSCN1642Pictured above, from left to right:
Front row—Jing Liu (UBC), Sheryl Stiefel (UW), Emily Jantz (UW), Charlene Chou (UW); Middle row—Zhijia Shen (UW), Hana Kim (UBC), Lea Starr (UBC), Betsy Wilson (UW, Dean of University Libraries), Azusa Tanaka (UW, Japanese Studies Librarian); Back row—Susan Andrews (UBC), Paul Constantine (UW, Associate Dean of University Libraries), Ya Min Wu (UBC), Boyue Yao (Rare book consultant for UBC & UW and cataloger for UW).

The team, deep in discussion…DSCN1653
