On May 10, Prof. Boyue Yao presented on the CLIR project, including many of the highlights of the materials cataloged for it, as well as general information and highlights of the UW Libraries and Peking University Library (his home institution) collection of Chinese string-bound books and other materials.

His presentation, which was in Mandarin Chinese, with slides in Chinese and English, was titled “北京大學圖書館和華盛頓大學圖書館的中國古文獻收藏與整理” (“The collection and organization of ancient Chinese materials at Peking University Library and University of Washington Library”).
The presentation was followed by an informal reception, to thank Prof. Yao for his work on the project and to say farewell before his return to Beijing later in May.
Both the presentation and reception were free and open to the public, and well attended by members of the community, UW faculty, students, and staff.
View the presentation slides for the section: “CLIR項目對華盛頓大學圖書館所藏中國古文獻的整理” (“CATALOGING CHINESE ANCIENT BOOKS THROUGH CLIR PROJECT “)
View the presentation slides for the section: “北京大學圖書館古文獻收藏與整理的歷史回顧” (“An Overview of the History of the Special Collections at the PKU Library”)
View the presentation slides for the section: “高校古文獻資源庫”的建設與發展”