Message from the e.g. Committee Chairs, Incoming and Outgoing

From the Outgoing Chair

As the outgoing e.g. committee chair, first of all I’d like to say how excited I am about the direction e.g. is going.  With not just one but three new committee chairs, I know a lot of exciting things are going to happen with e.g. in the near future, building both on past successes and not-so-successes.  Speaking of past successes, one of the benefits of being a committee chair is that I get to work with a committee, and these past two years have really made me appreciate the work that committees can do.  And the e.g. committee is a really dedicated group!

Beyond the committee, however, I’d like to briefly acknowledge the wonderful work students have submitted.  As e.g. committee chair, I was able to engage directly and indirectly with the students who submitted essays, and I have been impressed not only by the quality of their writing, but also by their desire to see their work reach a larger audience.  Therein lies the importance of e.g.: helping students get their exemplary writing to a wider audience, and helping a wider audience see exemplary writing from UW first-year writers.  It’s been great to be chairing that effort, and I look forward to the continued growth and development of e.g.


From the Incoming Chairs

As the new co-chairs of e.g., we would like to welcome everyone back for another productive year.  We have some exciting new changes on the horizon, including an Awards Ceremony and a new subset of e.g. (called i.e.) which will award writing in different genres.  This year the Submission Selection and Awards Ceremony are taking place during fall quarter so as to enhance e.g.’s year-round commitment to excellence in writing at the 100-level.  To that end, we look forward to a year of reviewing new submissions, working alongside undergraduate writers, and sharing a variety of distinguished pieces of writing with the wider academic community.  As always, we are open to and enthusiastic about suggestions for improvement, so feel free to contact us with any new ideas, comments, or questions as we collectively strive to make e.g. an even more useful and relevant resource for both undergraduate students and their instructors.

Ashley, Alice, and Dave

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