Prior to E.G.’s evolution into a journal of expository writing committed to showcasing exemplary compositions produced by undergraduates across the country, E.G was focused on presenting exemplary work by University of Washington undergraduates. This page honors works by those UW students who were selected in the earlier days of E.G.
2016-17 Essay Selections
“Electroconvulsive Therapy for Depression” by Sarah Rinehart
2015-16 Essay Selections
“Clouding the Horizon: Nationalism and Queer Utopias” by Everett Cheng
2012-13 Essay Selections
“The Limits of Applying Ethical Theories to Literary Analysis” by Joanne Kim
“Does What You Like Define Who You Are” by Malie Fujii
“A Defense of the Legalization of Homosexuality in China” by Junmeng Zhu
2011-12 Essay Selections
“The Impact of Tangible Evidence” by Rebecca Eskildsen
“A Virtual Exchange of Basketball Culture” by Ameen Tabatabai
2009-10 Essay Selections
The Tell Tale Word: The Role of Authorship in Literary Analysis by Paige Edmiston
The Irony of Higher Education by Jessica Oscoy
2008-09 Essay Selections
Turning the Intrinsic Screw: Henry James and Human Nature by Caitlin Harding
Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market: Finding the Middle Ground by Jasmine Yeh
The French Lieutenant’s Woman: The Underscores of ‘Freedom’ within Restriction, Fowles’ Bridge between Realities by Prisca Youn
2007-08 Essay Selections
Technology’s Priceless Value in Education by Alize Bhojani, Devon Chandler-Brown, Danielle File, and Karlyn Kurokawa
Picture Frame: An ENGL 121 e-Portfolio (Original e-Portfolio) by Ainsley Bourque
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Inquiry and Report of a Controversy by Shima Houshyar
2006-07 Essay Selections
The Future of Tomorrow Struggling with Domination by Christine Caldejon
The Manipulation and Exploitation of Nationalism by Behnum Habibi
“Man Law”: Perpetuation of Stereotypes Online by Caitlin Pratt
Persuasion for a Better Cause by Ashley Thoreson
A More Mobile Campus: A Proposal for a New Mobility Map at the University of Washington by Jessica Vu
2005-06 Essay Selections
Co-Chairs’ Note
The Imperialist Reason: Evolution of Self-Described Knowledge and Morality by Teresa Lee
A New Year Festival to Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Linh Phan
Give Me Technology: Rhetorical Strategies in Scientific Writing by Mark Sena
Adjustment without Improvement: Racial Hegemony in The Bluest Eye by Emily Thompson
2004-05 Essay Selections
Co-Chairs’ Note
Reality vs. Actuality: A Construction of the Truth by Carly Cannell
The Capitalization of Intelligence: How Spellbound Transforms Education into a Commodity Through Metaphor by Scott Hanes
Mother Teresa and Media Mayhem by Chris Klontz
Understanding the Science Gender Gap by Matt Olson
Chief Seattle’s Real Message by David Wu
2003-04 Essay Selections
Sacrifice,Patriotism, and Pat Tillman by Ben Greené
The Contemporary Demon by Mary Janessa Jusayan
Constructing Knowledge: The Role of Human Limitations in Scientific Reasoning by Katherine Liu
Lessons from Culture by Pamela Maynard
Prism by Ming Xia
2002-03 Essay Selections
Co-Chairs’ Note | Director’s Note
The Art of the Safe House by Elizabeth Watkins (1st Place)
Belief Creates Reality by Charles P. Clark (2nd Place)
The Science of Science by Nicholas Astete (3rd Place)
The Vulnerable Culture by Saumil Gandhi (4th Place)
English Power: A Movement that Shapes Americans by Aiza Redosendo (Honorable Mention)
Grand Theft Auto III: Satisfying a Thirst for Control, Violence, and Fantasy by Lindsey Peugh (Honorable Mention)