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Obtaining Employment

Web Resources

These web resources provide information about a variety of funding resources, career development opportunities, and career paths.  The "General Resources" cover a broad range of disciplinary career resources and include a few articles about the intellectual, social and psychological implications of individuals' transitions from academic to other types of work.  The "Discipline-specific Resources" are by no means comprehensive but offer specific starting points for some disciplines.  Be sure to check academic and professional organizations in your field.  "Useful Related Resources" relate to a wide range of career possibilities.  Some sites are also posted as Promising Practices on our site: to read more about these, click on the site name. 


General Resources:

Academic Job Application Checklist  This checklist for American studies candidates applies to most humanities Ph.D.'s.  See also links to Academic Job Interview Advice and Academic Job Interview Questions.

After the Offer, Before the Deal: Negotiating a First Academic Job (Academe)  Offers suggestions to just-appointed faculty members in the process of negotiating the terms of a first academic job.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  Links to fellowships, grants, and other career sites.

Beyond the Ivory Tower (Chronicle of Higher Education)  Provides career advice and archived articles about the job search process.

Careers for Humanities Scholars in Technology Administration  An online discussion with James J. O'Donnell, professor of classical studies and vice provost for information systems and computing at the University of Pennsylvania.

Careers In (and Out of) Science  Offers links to a variety of science career information sites.

Chronicle Career Network
  Lists on-line career resources in various disciplines, government, industry, business sectors, nonprofits, and general career sites for Ph.D.'s. 

Dottie and Jane's Adventures--Out of Academia  Offers personal narratives of two Ph.D.'s moving out of academia and links to other resources; interviews with former academics pursuing other careers are soon to come.

Escape Pod for Humanities Ph.D.'s
  Started by three English Ph.D.'s ("Girls With Glasses"), this offers practical career advice, narratives, and links to other resources.  Includes "PhDs Work," formerly a separate site.

Graduate Program Placement Site (Dept. of English, University of Western Ontario)  Offers resources to help students in the English program explore career possibilities and coordinate their job search activities, both within and outside the academic world. 

The Ivory Doghouse  Offers links to news about the academic job market in the humanities and arts, information about how professional societies are handling employment issues, and other resources for graduate students and postdocs.

The Keogh Lab  Provides resources and advice for graduate and postgraduate students, including information about entering the academic job market.

Landing an Academic Job: The Process and the Pitfalls  Although this was written for those in mechanical and industrial engineering, the advice about applying for an academic job is applicable to most academic job applicants.

Medical University of South Carolina Postdoctoral and Career center /Careers/Careers.html  Lists career opportunities, grants, postdoctoral fellowships and other resources in the sciences.

Negotiating the Non-Tenure Track (Chronicle of Higher Education)  Discusses why some people prefer non-tenure track positions and how to make the most of them. 

Networking on the Network  Explains networking for academic jobs. Science, Math and Engineering Career Site  Offers career information for math, science and engineering Ph.D.'s in fields including science journalism, academe, and business.

Preparing Future Faculty, Useful Resources  Offers a range of web resources for graduate students, including career and job search information.

Science Next Wave    For scientists interested in academic opportunities in science as well as other professional options. 

Sellout  By an English literature Ph.D. who moved into the software industry, this site includes narratives from Ph.D.'s working "beyond the fold," career FAQs, articles, and other resources.

Tips for a Massive Academic Job Search  Extensive and humorous tips from a computer science professor at MIT.

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

A Yellow Wood (U.C. Santa Barbara)  Created and maintained by Ph.D.'s, this focuses on nonacademic careers for humanists.


Discipline-specific Resources:

Some of these discipline-specific resources also post jobs and are listed as "Discipline-specific Sites" on the "Jobs and Funding" page.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers   Offers job search strategies, information about career fairs, links to other resources, etc.

American Sociological Association  Under sections for "Sociologists" and "Students," has career development information.

Career Alternatives for Art Historians
  Gives descriptions of and requirements for various careers.  Offers advice on writing CVs/resumes for positions in the chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical and chemical engineering fields, links to chemistry departments around the world, and other resources.

Employment Links for the Biomedical Scientist  Offers links to career advice, news groups, biotech/healthcare resources, and more.

Leaving Physics: What's Out There
  Offers links to and information about alternatives to academic careers in physics.

Nonacademic Careers for Scientific Psychologists
  Posts narratives by psychology Ph.D.'s working in various fields, offers links to other sites, etc., the Biotechnology Career Center  Provides career resources and articles about the field.

Texas A&M University English Department Graduate Placement Information  Provides English grads with links to various job postings and to "Academic Job Search" resources about researching potential jobs, interviewing, preparing for the MLA convention, etc.


Useful Related Resources:

Some of these resources also post jobs and are listed as "Useful Related Sites" on the "Jobs and Funding" page.

The Black Collegian  Provides information on career resources, job search strategies and graduate school opportunities for black collegians.  Lists other career sites by occupational interest.  Offers career information about the non-profit sector.  Offers links to career resources, organizations, internships, jobs, and more in the non-profit sector.

IM  Provides articles, employer profiles, reports, job postings, and other resources of interest to minority job seekers.

Independent Homeworkers Alliance  Offering resources for members working at home, whether free-lance, self-employed, or running a small business.

Job Hunter's Bible  Richard Bolles (What Color is Your Parachute) provides links to self-evaluation tools, resources for researching companies and writing resumes, and more.

Occupational Outlook Quarterly  This online O.O.Q. from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides employment projections and career information.

The Riley Guide  Lists hundreds of job resources, services, and career information guides covering business, industry, government, non-profit, overseas work, etc.  Offers advice on negotiating a salary, a "salary wizard" for computing salaries by field and geographical area, and career resources.  Offers career profiles, Saludos Hispanos online magazine, information about self-employment, company profiles, etc. for bilingual professionals.  Offers career and training information about tech jobs with specific sites for a number of cities.  Offers information about specific industries, companies, narratives about a typical day in various careers, career advice, message boards, and more.

Wall Street Journal's Career Site  Offers salary and hiring information, career columnists, job-hunting advice, etc. for the business and industry sectors.  For women interested or working in high tech fields.  Gives members access to a job bank, international and local discussion groups, local chapters, career advice, and more.  Provides a range of career resources, including industry and company profiles, advice for career changers, resources for women and minorities, etc.

Work and Career, U.S. News  Offers articles about careers, workplace trends, and general professional development, as well as an index of past articles.

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