From Director Ken Sebens
Moving Forward: FHL's Highest Funding Priorities

The emerging new economic paradigm challenges all of us to do more with less. There are three immediate fund raising goals on which we are focusing which are strategic to FHL's sustainability and growth. More Information

Awards and Honors
Out in Force with Trish Morse, Advancement Board Chair
Nearly one hundred Friday Harbor Lab faculty, students and supporters gathered at the January meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) in South Carolina. One highlight of the annual meeting was Ken Sebens, Director of the FHL, as the new president of SICB. Included throughout the conference many FHL people gave papers, posters and led important symposia presentations. Past SICB president, Mary Rice, was honored by the American Microscopical Society for her incredible contributions andservice. More Information

Research, Modulation of Metamorphosis by Biogenic Amines,
Tony Pires, Ph.D., Dickinson College

Tony is an organismal biologist who is mostly interested in whole animals. However, his teaching and research in Neurobiology makes connections between interesting whole animal phenomena and underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. On the opposite end of nature's scale, part of his early training was in marine ecology. Tony retains his connection to that field through teaching a course in Invertebrate Zoology, and through summer research at FHL. In this article, Tony describes his research into triggers of metamorphosis. More Information

Heard from:
Learning Investgigative Techniques at FHL
Todd Clary, Ph.D. Candidate Fisheries Science Department, Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William & Mary
Todd talks about his experinces at FHl that resulted in using high-speed video to compare the mechanics of terrestrial and aquatic locomotion in the rock prickleback (Xiphister mucosus), a member of the family Stichaeidae that is capable of locomotion in both habitats. Todd presented his research at the annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography in San Juan, Puerto Rico in February 2011. He also submitted the work to the journal Northwestern Naturalist and the manuscript has been accepted and soon will be published. More Information

An Undergraduate's Experience at FHL
Laura Timms, NSF/Blinks/Beacon Fellow, Texas A&M
Laura, now a seior at Texas A&M with goals of graduate school, writes: "I spent the summer at the labs as one of the NSF/Blinks/Beacon fellows working with Dr. Danny Grünbaum in Oceanography. Coming from Texas A&M University, where I work on annelid phylogenetics, I went to the Friday Harbor labs hoping to learn more about the research process. I was eager to design an experiment and act as PI of a study. Upon arriving at the labs, I began looking into the biomechanics of larvae, specifically the early swimming mechanism." More Information

Loss of Two Friends, Craig D. Sandgren, Ph.D. and June Rosa Pitt Ross, Ph.D.
The FHL community lost a treasure when, on December 24th last year, Craig D. Sandgren passed away from pancreatic cancer, at the age of 60. Craig was a lifelong participant in and supporter of FHL's teaching and research programs. Through his request that memorials to his life be offered to the FHL Marine Life Endowment Fund, that support continues. More Information

Our colleague, Dr. June Ross, Professor Emeritus from the Biology Department at Western Washington University and life-long supporter of Friday Harbor Labs, passed away March 10th at the age of 80. June's roots with FHL started when she took courses on invertebrates with Professor Robert Fernald and she went on to become a bryozoan expert. More Information

FHL Science Outreach in Friday Harbor Schools, Jenny Roberts, Director, K-12 Program
Friday Harbor Labs Science Outreach Program is busy Involving students in the process of science. In this update, we've highlighted four science projects: Friday Harbor Marina Water Quality Project (5th grade), Watershed Stream Surveys (6th, 7th & 8th grade), Scientific Inquiry/Investigation Loupe Project (1st grade), and The Invasive Mussel Project performed (Biology classes, Friday Harbor High School and Marine Science class from Spring Street International School). More Information

Winners! Friday Harbor High School Team wins Orca Bowl Again!
For the third time, Friday Harbor High School advances to the National Ocean Sciences Bowql in Baltimore, MD. Ken Sebens, the OACIS GK-12 Principal Investigator, sent thanks to the OACIS teachers and fellows who participated in the ORCA Bowl again this year. In addition to the win by Friday Harbor HS, there was excellent competition from GK-12 participating schools, Ballard HS, Roosevelt HS and Garfield HS. This is a great way to accomplish the goals of GK-12. Derek Smith and Caroline Storer are the CG-12 fellows at Friday Harbor HS and Nick Frazee and Marc Vermeire are the GK-12 teachers. Congratulations! (OACIS is the National Science Foundation funded Ocean & Coastal Interdisciplinary Science program bringing marine science into grades K-12 classrooms in Seattle and the San Juan Islands.) More Information

Arthur Whiteley's 95th Birthday
On December 15th, 2011 friends and colleagues of Arthur Whiteley gathered at the Whiteley Center to celebrate Arthur's 95th birthday. It was an afternoon full of stories and remembrances filled with humor and good feelings. Ken Sebens and Trish Morse welcomed everyone. Dennis Willows started the storytelling with a story which may become an Arthur legend. More Information

Coming Up...
Friday Harbor Laboratories' Jazz at the Labs, June 16, 2012
On Saturday night, June 16, 2012, Friday Harbor Laboratories will hold its 12th annual Jazz at the Labs, an evening of food, fun and great music at Friday Harbor Labs. As in the past, proceeds from Jazz at the Labs will benefit the Friday Harbor Laboratories K-12 Science Outreach Program in the San Juan Island Elementary, Middle and High Schools and the Spring Street International School. More Information

Paul Illg Distinguished Lectureship, Jason Hall-Spencer, Ph.D., Plymouth University
UW Friday Harbor Laboratories is pleased to announce the selection of the 2012 Illg Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer of Plymouth University in Devon, United Kingdom. Dr. Hall-Spencer will give a public lecture at the San Juan Community Theater titled "Deep sea coral reefs" on Sunday, July 1, 2012. He conducts applied research to provide policy makers with the scientific information needed to best manage the marine environment, ranging from deep-sea benthos, fisheries, aquaculture, marine protected areas, biogenic reefs and seamounts. More Information

Profile Larry McEdward, Various Contributors
The Larry McEdward Fund supports students in courses at FHL. Larry's early death was tragic to his family and colleagues and a great loss to the scientific world. In this article his colleagues express many wonderful stories about his life. More Information

Recent Seattle Times Articles of Interest

Ocean researchers dive deeper into Puget Sound's acidification by Craig Welch, Seattle Times environment reporter. "The past few years have seen astounding discoveries from sophisticated research on acidification in Puget Sound and the oceans. February 27, 2012" More Information

Increasing pressure to harvest small fish worries scientists by Craig Welch, Seattle Times environment reporter.
"Ocean scientists worry that pressure to harvest small schooling fish such as herring, smelt and sardines could have serious consequences for other sea life. March 15, 2012" More Information