OACIS NSF GK-12 Program


Friday Harbor Wins Orca Bowl Again

Friday Harbor High School once again has won the 2011 Washington Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl. The school's Team A of Audrey Olshefsky (team captain), Gavin Guard, Stewart Bell, Michael Barsamian and Libby Snow were victorious in the knowledge competition, known as The Orca Bowl, at the University of Washington on Saturday, March 3rd. They advance to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl in Baltimore, MD, next month. Friday Harbor science teacher Nick Frazee was the team's head coach. Fellow Wolverine teacher Marc Vermeire, an Orca Bowl veteran, assisted.

The ORCA Bowl challenges and recognizes high-school students' knowledge of the world's oceans. The competition lasts a full day, with teams competing in a round-robin tournament followed by a double elimination for the top teams. Students tackle questions in all areas of marine studies, including ocean-related physics, chemistry, geology, biology, social sciences and technology. Questions are presented in multiple-choice, short-answer and team-challenge formats that require strong problem-solving skills and close cooperation.

Ken Sebens, the OACIS GK-12 Principal Investigator, sent thanks to the OACIS teachers and fellows who participated in the ORCA Bowl again this year. In addition to the win by Friday Harbor HS, there was excellent competition from GK-12 participating schools, Ballard HS, Roosevelt HS and Garfield HS. This is a great way to accomplish the goals of GK-12. Derek Smith and Caroline Storer are the GK-12 fellows at Friday Harbor HS and Nick Frazee and Marc Vermeire are the GK-12 teachers. Congratulations!

contributed photo, Washington Sea Grant