From the Director

Moving Forward by Ken Sebens


The emerging new economic paradigm challenges all of us to do more with less, andsomehow we always do, especially with the help of our wonderful FHL Advancement Board. There are three immediate goals on which we are focusing this year.


Attracting new resident researchers to FHL/Developing Research Centers.

We are looking for the best new talent in resident researchers at FHL.  The positions require partial salary and start-up funds.  When new researchers become established, they bring in research grants supporting themselves, operating expenses, post-docs and/or graduate student research assistants.  These researchers will populate and strengthen our existing and proposed Research Centers.  This involves a one-time cost per position and does not require an endowment.  An added benefit is that these additional scientists serve as mentors for our student researchers.

Supporting FHL Postdoctoral Fellows.

The recent budget cuts mean there will not be funds to support the long-standing and very successful FHL Postdoc program in future years.  We seek to create an endowment so these import career-developing opportunities remain in place.  We benefit greatly as these newly ordained PhDs keep us relevant with their fresh viewpoints, innovative ideas and new approaches to research. As we expand our resident research staff and postdoc program, we can mentor and teach larger numbers of students.

Helping students attend FHL classes and conduct research.

That brings us to our third funding priority – helping students attend classes and conduct research at FHL.  All students are challenged by the sizeable increases in tuition at all institutions of higher education in recent years.  They need assistance to attend our summer programs and participate in the Research Apprenticeships.

You can help via the “Adopt-A-Student” program and by contributing to any of the FHL endowments for student support.  You can be our partner in sustaining and growing FHL’s essential research and excellent teaching programs.  Just as a donation is never too large, it is never too small.

Check out our website: and direct your contributions to one of our existing endowments/funds.  Or, telephone 206-543-1484 and ask for Ken or Rachel to discuss how you can direct funding to our special interests.