-tri (THREE) -plicata (FOLDS)
In the transition area from stipe to blade, the formation of Cymathere triplicata's central folds takes place. If C. triplicata is crossectioned in small increments up the blade, a progression can be seen. To the right, the formation of these folds is diagrammed. Numbers correspond to steps in the process and are explained below:
1.) A crossection of the stipe. Circular in shape, no indentations or signs of folding.
2.) An elliptical crossection of the stipe.
3.) A slight indentation is apparent in the center of the elliptical crossection.
4.) The indentation has deepened, small folds form.
5.) Folds more apparent, blade curving outward on the sides.
6.) First two folds have formed completely.
7.) A slight indentation is apparent on the opposite side of the blade from the first indentation and first two folds.
8.) All three folds have formed completely. Note that one side of the blade has three folds and the other has only two.
Website created by:
Andrea Dingeldein
ZooBot Spring Quarter 2009
Friday Harbor Laboratories
University of Washington