An Overview of Friday Harbor Marina Water Quality
Results for Fecal Coliform


The marine water surrounding the San Juan Islands are designated as Class AA or Extraordinary Quality and are to meet the criteria outlined in WAC-173-201A-030 (2002) (See below).

Washington State Recreation Use Classes For Marine Waters

Class AA (extraordinary) & Class A (excellent):
Primary contact: (swimming), sport fishing, boating and aesthetic enjoyment.

A Criteria: Fecal coliform bacteria levels shall both not exceed a geometric mean value of 14 colonies/100ml and not have more than 10 percent of all samples obtained for calculating the geometric mean value exceeding 43 colonies/100ml.

Class B (good) & Class C (fair):
Secondary contact: recreation, sport fishing, boating and aesthetic enjoyment.

B Criteria: Fecal coliform colonies shall not exceed a geometric mean of 100 colonies/100ml and 10% of all samples shall not exceed 200 colonies/100ml.

C Criteria: Fecal coliform colonies shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200 colonies/100ml and 10% of all samples shall not exceed 400 colonies/100ml.


Graphed Water Quality Results


Percentage of Fecal Coliform Sampling Averages per Class Level






Friday Harbor Marina Monitoring Sites