Michelle Herko

Program Director, Coordinator, Photographer and Educator




Dr. Megan Dethier

Director of the U.W. Friday Harbor Labs


Rachel Anderson

Assoc. Director for Advancement



Dr. David Duggins

Program Advisor and Volunteer









Special Thanks

Jenny Roberts

Program Director, Coordinator, Photographer and Educator


Jenny Roberts was the program director for 20 years. She has been the energy behind this terrific Science Outreach Program.

Kari Koski

Past Assistant Coordinator, Educator and Web Updates

**Kari worked for FHLSOP for 3.5 years and continues to help out as an educator. She did a great job developing the "Know the Kelps and Algae" project and the "Whale Adventure Days".

Margo Thorp

Past Interim Program Director, Coordinator, Educator and Web Designer

**Margo worked for FHLSOP for 3 years. She was an amazing organizer and did a fantastic job developing the Oceanography and Watershed classes for SJISD'a alternative school Griffin Bay. She is now living and teaching in the Seattle area.

Alana Hysert

Past Assistant Coordinator, Educator and Web Designer

**Alana Hysert devoted 6 years of time and effort towards this program. She was a tremendous help in the initial development of the FHLSOP projects and designing this website. Alana taught at the California Academy of Science in San Francisco before returning to the northwest. Alana and her family live in Port Townsend.

Bob Schwartzberg

Past Development Officer/Fundraising

**We our extremely thankful of Bob. This program would not have been possible without his fundraising efforts.



Contact Us

email: fhlk12@uw.edu

Friday Harbor Labs
620 University Rd.
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Local (360)378-2165

Fax: (206) 543-1274