Adolescent Health Transition Project

What has health got to do with Transition? Everything!!

Good health is an important part of being successful in work, school and other activities. Having a disability or chronic illness does not mean a person cannot be healthy. It does mean that learning how to stay healthy is an important part of learning to be independent!

How does this website help?

Teens/Young Adults
and their Families
Schools Health Care Providers
Read about the importance of including health as a focus for skills in self-determination and independence. Find resources and tips on how to recognize and include health needs in the student’s Transition IEP. This section provides resources and information to help you facilitate a Health Transition plan with the patient and family. There are also diagnosis-specific links and references to articles on transition and adult health.
Read about the Health Transition process and what you can do to make it work for you. Find transition resources such as websites, checklists and tools specific to your needs. Not all the information fits every person’s needs or situation. Look through the pages and find ideas and information that is helpful for you!

Don't forget, successful transition to adult life includes Health Transition!

AHTP Highlights
Welcome to the AHTP website!
NEW! Duncan Seminar
March 30, 2012
Clinical Report on Health Care Transition from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Roadmap for Transitioning Adolescents from a Pediatric to an Adult Practice

This project is housed at the Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD) at the University of Washington
Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195-7920 | 206.685.1350 | Fax: 206.598.7815
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