
Making a Difference

Participants with limb loss are the lifeblood of our research program. They help us collect meaningful data and bring unique experiences to the research.


What Participants Do

After consenting to participation (informed consent), participants come to the lab for a research session. There they work with researchers to complete a data collection procedure for one of our studies. Typical sessions involve participants sitting and walking, on a treadmill or around the UW campus.



Research subjects are compensated for their time and for transportation costs. Depending on the study, compensation typically ranges between $30 and $50 per hour. Checks are issued at the end of the day each day the person participates.


Other Ways You Can Help

Let others know about our need for research participants. This can be done through support groups, email, or other means. Contact us and we will send you fliers for distribution. Use our Contact Us page to send us feedback about our studies, or about issues you think are relevant that we should consider studying.

Next Steps...

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in one of our studies, please use this form or call us at (206) 616-9148.

Study Requirements

Typical requirements for study participants are listed below. Specific studies may have requirements in addition to those listed. You can learn more about active studies on the Current Research page.

  • Subjects must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Subjects must have at least one lower limb amputation below the knee.
  • Subjects should be able to walk and stand continuously for at least 90 seconds.


Participant Safety

All of our testing is carried out under the oversight of a licensed prosthetist. And all of our equipment is thoroughly tested for safety before it is used with participants. Subjects may stop the study at any time, if they so desire.



The data obtained is kept completely private, in accordance with United States law, and is evaluated by the research team. Subjects may receive a copy of the publication in which their data are used. Of course, subject names are not in publications and the data is de-identified.