July 26, 2018

KRTC Wishes Margaret Thompson a Happy Retirement!

By Gisella Logioia

The Kenya Research and Training center extends best wishes to Margaret Thompson, who will be retiring  on August 1, 2018!

Margaret has been a valuable member of KRTC for over 15 years, and she will be greatly missed by faculty, staff, and students alike. She was hired in 2002 to work with Dr. Grace John-Stewart (the current Director of Global WACh) and the International AIDS Research and Training Program (IARTP). Margaret serves as the Program Manager of the Kenya Research and Training Center, supporting the administrative and operational needs of the Center and its faculty members. She has also supported the Center as the Pre-Award Grant Manager, helping faculty and trainees navigate the complex grant submission processes in pursuit of scientific discovery to benefit women, adolescents, and children around the world.

Margaret played a crucial role in supporting Dr. John-Stewart as she mentored young researchers in training, such as Drs. Michael Chung, Carey Farquhar, Scott McClelland, and Judd Walson, who are all now lead investigators of their own large studies and mentor trainees!  Over the years, Margaret has crossed paths with students and fellows who have grown within the Department and now hold faculty positions affiliated with Global WACh and KRTC: Drs. Sarah Benki-Nugent, Alison Drake, Susan Graham, Brandon Guthrie, Sylvia LaCourse, Patty Pavlinac, Barbra Richardson, Alison Roxby, Jennifer Slyker, Jennifer Unger and many others.

KRTC wishes Margaret well as she starts a new chapter in her interesting life! We honor her 16 years of service and contribution to the Department of Global Health. She will be sincerely missed and impossible to replace. We know she is eager to catch up on traveling, spending time with family, and exploring new career paths. Everyone at KRTC will miss her cheerful personality, her friendly smile, and her continuous dedication to the team!