Philosophy & Scope

Group Highlights


Prof. Kannan Krishnan's comprehensive review paper titled "Biomedical Nanomagnetics: a spin through new possibilities in imaging, diagnostics and therapy", now published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (link). The review paper is also highlighted on homepage of "Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers" (link).

"Direct imaging of asymmetric magnetization reversal", Highlighted in ALS News Science Highlights Vol. 257



Congratulations to Amit Khandhar for receiving "TA of the year" award!

Congratulations to Wei Zhang and Yufeng Hou for receiving the Fellowship to attend the 2011 IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School in New Orleans, LA!

Congratulations to Amit Khandhar and Matt Ferguson for receiving the Fenwick and West Finalist Prize in UW Business Plan Competition!


Prof. Kannan Krishnan appointed member of the Editorial Board, IEEE Magnetics Letters

Prof. Kannan Krishnan awarded the Fulbright Specialilst Roster Candidate (2010-2015) in Education and Materials Science

Congratulations to Matt Ferguson for receiving "TA of the year" award!

Prof. Kannan Krishnan awarded "Faculty of the Year" honor by UW-MS&E senior class of 2010

Congratulations to Amit Khandhar for receiving the Fellowship to attend the 2010 IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School in Dresden, Germany

Congratulations to Amit Khandhar for receiving the Graduate School Travel Fellowship to attend and present a paper at the 8th International Conference on Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Rostock, Germany

Congratulations to Wei Zhang for receiving a scholarship to attend the X-ray and Neutron Summer School at the ANL/ORNL

Conratulations to Matt Ferguson for receiving the Graduate School Travel Fellowship to attend and present a paper at the First International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging


Prof. Kannan Krishnan elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, in recognition of his "original and creative work in magnetism and electron microscopy elucidating growth mechanisms and the role of microstructure in determining fundamental properties of thin films, nanoscale structures and devices". Congratulations!

Congratulations to Matt Ferguson for receiving the Fellowship to attend the IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School in Colorado

Congratulations to Tianlong Wen for receiving the Fellowship to attend the IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School in Colorado

Prof. Kannan Krishnan appointed as the IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2009. 

He will be traveling world-wide giving a lecture entitled "Biomedical nanomagntics: a spin through new possibilities".


Kannan M. Krishnan named recipient of prestigious Rockefeller Foundation Scholarly Residency at Bellagio center in Lake Como, Italy


Matt Ferguson awarded UW Center for Nanotechnology UIF Fellowship

Layra Reza awarded Bank of America Minority Fellowship


Kannan Krishnan:
Professor at Large, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia, March, 2006


Kannan Krishnan:
Fellow, American Association of the Advancement of Science, October, 2005

Kelli Griffin:
Pacific Northwest National Lab/University of Washington Joint Institute for Nanoscience, Research Fellowship, 2005


Kannan Krishnan:
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow, April 2004
Outstanding Educator Award, College of Engineering, University of Washington, April 2004

Michael Beerman:
Recipient of the Industrial Magnetics Association scholarship, 2004

Kelli Griffin:
Pacific Northwest National Lab/University of Washington Joint Institute for Nanoscience, Research Fellowship, 2004


Yuping Bao:
Pacific Northwest National Lab/University of Washington Joint Institute for Nanoscience, Research Fellowship, 2002 - 2003
UIF Nanotechnology Fellowship, 2003 - 2005
Fellowship to attend Argonne National Lab Nanotech Summer School, Chicago, IL, August 2003

Michael Beerman:
Fellowship to attend Argonne National Lab Nanotech Summer School, Chicago, IL, August 2003

Marcela Gonzales:
Outstanding Woman Engineer, Society of Women Engineers

Kelli Griffin:
Nanotech Summer Fellowship

Xiaosong Ji:
Fellowship for attending the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering
in in Argonne National Lab during August 10-24, 2003

Kannan Krishnan:
Japan Society for the Promotions of Science, Senior Scientist Short-Term Invitational Fellowship, Summer 2003
Fellow, Institue of Physics, London

Zachary Lingley:
Mary Gates Fellowship, 2002 - 2003

Brad Roberts:
Nanotech Summer Fellowship
Teaching Assistant of the Year, 2002 - 2003, UW Deparment of Materials Science and Engineering
Scholarship to attend Spintech II Conference in Brugge, Belgium. August 2003

Jared Weaver:
William E Quist Award for most outstanding senior in metallurgy and materials, UW Deparment of Materials Science and Engineering


Michael Beerman:
Teaching Assistant of the Year, 2001 - 2002, UW Deparment of Materials Science and Engineering
Nanotech Summer Fellowship

Marcela Gonzales:
National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship 2001 - 2007
ARCS Fellowship 2001 - 2004
Nanotech Summer Fellowship

Brad Roberts:
Undergraduate Division Award, Nano and Bio-Nanoscience meeting at
Stanford University (AVS Northern California Division, June 27, 2002)
for poster: "Directed Self-Assembly of Polystyrene Microspheres through DNA Hybridization"

Jared Silvia:
Space Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellowship