Fun Events

A heated argument; former post-doc Brad Preston arguing with Manel.

Growing bold.

Growing bold.

Mike Schmitt and Ali

Dinner is finished. 

Jesse, the wood worker, critically inspecting Larry's table. 

Steve Salpante, collaborator.

Dinner at the Loeb's. 

Ollie Press our hematologist.

Mike and Eddie

Eddie and Scott

Phyllis Loeb

Mary, Marc, and Tom Kunkel

Jesse and Sarah Salk, our mountain climbers

End of ski trip, Ranga amd Mike.

Ski trip

Tom and Shirley Kunkel


Our former Israeli post-doc Asi Herman. 


Mike and his wife, Yuki.

Jocelyn, our next door neighbor. 

Keith Loeb and James

Katie and Ayu

Growing bold.

Growing bold.

Growing bold.

Manfred Eigen at Klosters.

Growing bold.


Larry and Mary

Growing bold.

Growing bold.