Molecular Biophysics Training Program

BPSD 520 Seminar

Course Overview

Instructor: Ning Zheng

Credits: 1 (max 30)

UW General Catalog Course Description: Group conferences on graduate student research. Prerequisite: BPSD graduate student, or permission of instructor. Offered: AWSp.

Recommended Background: Involved in graduate research

Textbooks: None

BPSD 520 is a 1 credit class for credit/no credit. All students enrolled in the BPSD graduate program and all current trainees of the Molecular Biophysics Training Program including the Hurd Fellow are required to register for BPSD 520 in Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.  The course meets up to once a week for 50 minutes, although fewer meetings might be required in some quarters. In each meeting, two students present their original research project for 20 minutes and take questions for 5 minutes. All other students in the class provide written critiques for each speaker, to improve presentation skills.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Discuss a wide range of biophysics research with peers
  • Give a good quality presentation of their research

Topics Covered

  • Molecular Biophysics
  • Biological Physics
  • Biological Structure
  • Biological Design

Assignments and Grading

Critiques and Presentations

Students are graded credit / no credit on written critiques providing feedback to each speaker in the seminar series. In addition, based on their program requirements, some students will be required to give one of the research seminars. In this case, the presentation replaces the two critiques for that day.  Presenting students should be prepared to speak for 20 minutes, allowing five minutes for questions, and an equal amount of time for the day’s other presenter to speak and answer questions.

“Tips for Talks”

From Bertil Hille
From Eddy DeRobertis

In order to receive credit for a critique, students must complete and submit the critique form (available in class) by the end of the class session. To keep student feedback anonymous, we will remove the top portion of the form with the student’s name before we share the critiques with the presenter.    

Students must pass 100% of the critiques to pass the class. A student must notify and obtain permission from the course instructor in advance if he or she cannot attend a session due to health or family emergencies or work-related travels.  All students may miss one class without instructor permission in each quarter. Students who miss more than one class without instructor permission can make up each missed class by doing one of the following:  

  • Attend the BPSD or Biochemistry rotation talks during finals week and submit critiques for four talks
  • OR attend a research seminar by an outside (non-UW) speaker and prepare a one page report, which describes the presentation, the question(s) asked by the student, and the answer(s) given by the presenter

Access and Accommodations

Your experience in this class is important to us, and if you have concerns about the accessibility of any component of the class, we encourage you to contact You may also wish to contact the Disability Resources for Students (DRS) Office, as described below.

It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you experience barriers based on a disability or temporary health condition, please seek a meeting with DRS to discuss and address them. If you have already established accommodations with DRS, please communicate your approved accommodations to your instructor at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.

Disability Resources for Students (DRS) offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or temporary health conditions.  Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and DRS. If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (this can include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), you are welcome to contact DRS at 206-543-8924 or or


Autumn Quarter 2024

October 2, 2024
  • October 2, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Course Intro
    Presenter: Matthew Hirano (Seelig Lab)


October 16, 2024
  • October 16, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Fernando Banales Mejia (Maly Lab) & Cullen Demakis (Baker Lab)


October 23, 2024
  • October 23, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Ryan McHugh (Baker / DiMaio Labs) & Audrey O'Neill (Kollman Lab)


November 6, 2024
  • November 6, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Lei Gao (Kong Lab) & Mia Cervantes (Klevit / Nath Labs)


November 13, 2024
  • November 13, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Adam Nguyen (Campbell Lab) & Jesse Huang (Gordon Lab)


December 4, 2024
  • December 4, 2024 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Ji Min Lee (Veesler Lab) & Clara McCurdy (Ruohola-Baker Lab)


Winter Quarter 2025

January 8, 2025
  • January 8, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Joy North (DiMaio Lab) & Isaac Sappington (Baker Lab)


January 15, 2025
  • January 15, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Preetham Venkatesh (Baker Lab) & Jessica Caruso (Zalatan Lab)


January 29, 2025
  • January 29, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Katie Denecke (Kueh Lab) & Susan Kleinfelter (King Lab)


February 12, 2025
  • February 12, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Abhishek Raghunathan (Akamatsu Lab) & DeJenae See (Baker Lab)


February 26, 2025
  • February 26, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Dylan Hedman (Asbury Lab) & Meg Lunn-Halbert (King / Baker Labs)


March 12, 2025
  • March 12, 2025 @ 12:30 pm in HSB K-069

    Presenters: Maggie Alrichs (King Lab) & Nic Buchholz (Ruohola-Baker Lab)


Spring Quarter 2025

April 2, 2025
  • April 2, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Hojae Choi (Baker Lab) & Jessica Huang (Vivas Lab)


April 9, 2025
  • April 9, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Joel Hatungimana (Guttman Lab) & Bianka Haro (King Lab)


April 23, 2025
  • April 23, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Caleb Kono (Ruohola-Baker Lab) & Zoey Litt (Merz Lab)


May 7, 2025
  • May 7, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Elizabeth Martinez (Lee Lab) & Lucas Narisawa (Bush Lab)


May 21, 2025
  • May 21, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Tuscan Thompson (Baker / DiMaio Labs) & Isabel Mariano (Nath / Guttman Labs)


June 4, 2025
  • June 4, 2025 @ 12:30 pm ~ Room TBD

    Presenters: Natalie Stone (Kollman Lab) & Lily Worst (Asbury Lab)