Molecular Biophysics Training Program
Research Ethics Training
The NIH requires all trainees to receive at least eight contact hours of training in biomedical research ethics, and the University must document that all trainees receive this training. In order to fulfill this requirement, all trainees must:
- Register for and attend BIOC 533 “Ethics 101”, a six-week seminar in winter quarter.
- Obtain a minimum of 2 additional hours of research ethics training, for a total of at least 8 hours. This can be done by:
- Attending two hours of the Biomedical Research Integrity training, held twice a year
- Participating in other seminars, lectures, formal discussions held either at UW or FHCRC that cover the required topics (see NIH notice NOT-OD-10-019 for specific topics)
You MUST report this training to the MBTG office or it will not count towards your requirement.