Molecular Biophysics Training Program

Autumn Quarter Reporting

Autumn quarter reports are due October 1.

Each year in autumn we ask trainees for summaries we can use as part of the MBTG’s annual report to NIH. 

First Year Trainees & Fellows

We ask for a short (3-4 sentence; no more than one paragraph) description of your project, including its overall goals and the approaches you are using/plan to use, highlighting those that are particularly biophysical in nature.  We also ask for any career development activities you have engaged in during the past year. Please submit the report for first year trainees and fellows here.

Second Year and Beyond

We ask for a short (3-4 sentence; no more than one paragraph) description of your project, including its overall goals and the approaches you are using/plan to use, highlighting those that are particularly biophysical in nature. We also ask for 1-3 sentences summarizing your progress over the past year, and have several additional questions about your recent activities. Please submit the report for second year and beyond here.