For Faculty
Letters of Recommendation
Submit a Letter of Recommendation (Applicant’s Primary Faculty Mentor)
Submit a Letter of Recommendation (Other References)
Trainee Evaluations
As part of the progress-reporting process, mentors of current trainees are required to complete a short evaluation. You will receive an email with a link to the online evaluation form. If you did not receive an email or if you need the link re-sent, please email
The evaluation form asks you to rank your trainee on a short list of factors relative to other graduate students you have worked with.
It also asks for a brief written evaluation of your trainee’s development over the past year. Do not report on research progress, per se, as the trainee will report on this. Identify weaknesses and/or places where the trainee could use improvement or additional development. Your comments will help the program better serve its trainees.
If your trainee is finishing his or her second year: There may be a very limited possibility to extend a traineeship for part or all of a third year, depending on NIH funding levels. Extension of the traineeship is contingent on strong progress during the past year and a compelling reason for continued participation in the program. If your trainee is requesting an extension, please provide comments regarding how this will enhance the trainee’s experience and training. Also, please provide your opinion regarding when you think the trainee will be ready to write/defend their PhD thesis.
If it is simpler for you, you can write up your assessment in another document and then cut and paste it into the online form.