Molecular Biophysics Training Program
Annual Progress Reports
Note that ALL trainees, including Hurd Fellows, must submit an annual progress report each year, whether or not they will be continuing in the MBTP in the upcoming year. Likewise, their mentors are required to submit a brief trainee evaluation survey.
Trainee Component
The trainee component of your progress report has two parts. Both can be submitted directly through the MBTP website on our Submit Progress Report page.
- Part I: Trainee Information Update. This is a form requesting updated information about you, your progress in your graduate program, and your academic activities.
- Part II: Upload Progress Report Documents. This form will allow you to upload and submit one or more documents at a time. Required documents are:
- Report. Briefly describe your predoctoral research project, the progress you have made during the past year, and your future plans for the project. Avoid jargon, bearing in mind that it will be read by people who are not experts in your immediate field. Formatting: Your report should be a Word document, no longer than four double-spaced pages of standard type (at least 12-point typeface) using 1″ margins. References, diagrams and illustrations are not included in the four page limit. Reports that do not conform to this format will be returned and may jeopardize your renewal.
- Current UW Transcript. Unofficial is ok. The transcript can be a separate pdf, or can be embedded as an image in the same Word document as the report.
- For Second Year Trainees funded on the NIH training grant: It is possible to request a third year of funding. However, be aware that a third year of funding is rare, must be well justified, and generally comes with additional responsibilities. To make this request, include a Rationale for Continuation as a Trainee with your other progress report documents.
- Rationale for Continuation as a Trainee. Explain your reasons for requesting a third year in the training program. How has the MBTP enhanced your training to date? Briefly describe your projected research goals for the next year. Provide a timeline for your thesis writing. How will continuing in the MBTP help you to achieve your goals? Are there particular activities that you would like to help organize or participate in to enhance the program?
If you are planning to request a third year, please discuss this with your PI. Your PI will also need to complete a section about your third year training request on the trainee evaluation.
Formatting: This component should be included in the same Word document as your report, at the end of the document, and should be no longer than two double-spaced pages of standard type (at least 12-point typeface) using 1″ margins
- Rationale for Continuation as a Trainee. Explain your reasons for requesting a third year in the training program. How has the MBTP enhanced your training to date? Briefly describe your projected research goals for the next year. Provide a timeline for your thesis writing. How will continuing in the MBTP help you to achieve your goals? Are there particular activities that you would like to help organize or participate in to enhance the program?
Faculty Mentor Component
Your faculty mentor must also submit a trainee evaluation. Your mentor will receive an email with instructions and a link to the evaluation form.