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Celebrating Stan's 65th Birthday in the K Wing Health Sciences
Ruimao's Departure for Harvard University May 2011: Out on the Deck at Ivar's
Celebrating Blake's Graduation Summer 2010
Celebrating Blake's Successful Thesis Defense Jai Thai Fremont
Blake Opening His Going Away Present
Blake Counting His Chocolopolis Gold Bars
Blake Examining His Loot from Chocolopolis
McKnight Lab Christmas Party 2009
Richard, Ama, Diane, Paul, Ruimao, Lisa, Don, Nick and Bridger, Blake, Oliver, Mike
Brian, R.R., S.G., A.E., Wendy, S.M.
Thong, Albert, Elisenda, Michelle, Merle in the Sun Room
Lisa, Don, Nick and Briger, Mike, Ryan, Justin, Scott, Kim, Hana, Thong, Albert, Elisenda
Diane, Paul Lisa, Blake (front); Ama, Ruimao, Don, Katie, Justin, Oliver, Nick, Mike
September 2008 Canoe Trip UW Waterfront Activities Center Lake Washington, Seattle, Washington
Post Doc Eli and Undergraduate Researcher Luis Briseno(and Paul in the Back)
Great Blue Heron Foster Island
Graduate Students Merle Gilbert and Blake Nichols Sweatin' It Out
Post Doc Brian Jones Feelin' Good
Eli Picnic
Post Doc Elisenda Sanz at the picnic during the canoe trip fall 2008
Brian, Eli and Luis at the Picnic Site Foster Island
August 2008 Celebration Ivar's for the AKAP7 Knockout
Chillin' at Ivar's on a sunny afternoon.
Curly, Larry, hey... where's Moe?
Merle demonstrating the concept of cool for us.
Stan and his nieces.
April 2008
Happy 60th Birthday, Stan!!!!

The birthday boy arrived to work after a long bike ride in to find a decorated office, complete with new wheelchair!


Stan took his hot new wheels for a spin around the hall and lab. A very amused Paul stands in the background.




Birthday Cake and Stan with his flowers!




Stan sways along as the lab serenades his big day and then blows out the candles for a 60th birthday wish. (Grant money? A new bike? We may never know!)
Stan Blake Lisa
Stan Looking at Wine Bottle
The lab enjoyed the party, Stan looks like he will enjoy his wine; Happy Birthday Stan!!!
McKnight Lab Christmas Party 2008 Stan and Sophie's House
The McKnight lab got together for the annual holiday party and gift exchage. First, everyone sat down for a lovely meal and a few good laughs. On the left, Merle, Michelle, Rajean, Kim, Scott, Diane, Diane, Sophie, and Dean finish up dinner. On the right, Hana, Yan, Lisa, Sara, Ting, and Linghai are entertained by a very animated story Paul is telling.
After dinner, it was time for the gift exchange game. After a heated discussion over the rules, the games began! Richard and Hana look on as Blake (hidden) and Lisa show off some movies. Sara, Yan, Linghai, Scott, Kim, and Diane look on from the window seat. Michelle, Merle, Thong, Sophie, Diane, and Paul watch as Rajean and Bruce open a present.
Stan and Blake show off their great PI-Graduate student relationship with big smiles. Richard capped off a wonderful evening with a short recital on the piano.
Annual Lab Canoe Trip August 2007
The lab picked a fantastic day to go canoeing in August (after the rain out in July). In the first picture, Blake and Dan power away from the WAC, and then stop to enjoy the view of the mountains and boats passing by.

In the first picture, Diane and Paul look very excited to be out on Lake Washington. Blake stops to smile for the camera in between strokes.

Everyone in the group worked hard paddling over to the Arboretum, where we stop to enjoy a picnic. From left to right, Linghai, Rommel, Sara, and Kim are pictured.
Halfway through the excursion, we enjoyed a picnic in the shade. On the left, Thong, Stan, Linghai, Sara, Rommel, Blake, Paul, Kim, and Dan relax before the ride back. On the right, Diane joins the picture while Stan takes it.
We were lucky enough to see some of the animals that inhabit the lush areas surrounding the UW. A blue heron was hiding in the reeds along our canoe path, and some turtles were sunning themselves on the floating logs. In the last picture, Thong's big smile indicates another successful lab canoe trip!!
July 2007 Annual Lab Canoe Trip (Rained Out)
The annual lab canoe trip was rained out, but we still had a great "picnic" in the conference room. On the left, Stan, Thong, Dan, Blake, Paul, Noal, Kim, and Diane enjoy a good laugh. In the middle, Stan slices bread for the delicious sandwiches, and on the right, Sara can't beleive what she's seeing.
On the left, Noal and Diane relax after lunch. In the middle, Paul, Linghai, Sara, and Stan are engage in some interesting conversation. On the right, Sara, Rommel, and Thong enjoy the potluck food.
Both cautious, Stan and Linghai think it is safer to smell and even read about new beverages....
...while Paul and Dan think it's safe to dive right in.
June 2007

The group went out to celebrate Thong's 25 years in the McKnight lab. From left, Sara, Thong, Blake, Kim, Paul, Linghai, Stan, and Dan (Ruimao was taking the picture). On the right, Thong proudly displays his certificate from the department.

Thong opening his presents: Chinese Tea, Cheng Manching Tai Chi Chuan Video and Text

Thong showing us his Chen Manching classic "Thirteen Treatises on Tai Chi Chuan"

Thong showing us his Tai Chi Chuan Sword. Let's hope he doesn't keep it in lab to punish those who displease him.

On the left, Paul shares a classic Thong story with Linghai and Stan. On the right is the fantastic view of Lake Union from inside Ivars.


February 2006

The lab joined in the celebration of Sara and Ting's wedding. From left, Traci, Anna, Kimberly, Scott, Kim, and Katia.

Stan, Sara and her new husband Ting.

August 2005

Katie and Amy work to finish Katie's paper before Amy pops (she welcomed baby Mia soon after this photo was taken).






Mike Nolan Graduation McKnight Lab May 2005

Mike N. celebrates his new Ph.D. with Mike W. Mike had been celebrating for several hours by this time.

Mike Nolan's Mom and Colleen and Mike W. and Mike N.


Mike W. and his family join in the party.

Chloe showing us her moves with the hula hoop

McKnight Lab Christmas Party 2004

The lab gets together every year around the holidays to celebrate with good wine, good food, and good company. From left, a boyfriend of a lab member, Melissa, Thong (in the back), Paul, and Hana.

Thong enjoys some quality time with son Richard.

Annual Canoe Trip McKnight Lab August 2003
Every year, the lab goes out on Lake Washington in canoes to enjoy our glorious summer weather and a picnic. Mike N and Mike W are enjoying the trip with 2 of Mike W's girls.

Melissa, Mike W, Hana, Thong, J.P. Mike N., Katie, Paul, Ama, and Bill enjoy a delicious picnic. After lunch, we all head back to campus. Looks like another successful lab canoe trip.

McKnight Lab Winter Ski and Snow Board Outing 2002




The lab tries to get out for a few trips each year to enjoy the great winter and summer sports the Seattle area has to offer. Here, Renee, Cindy, Katie, Mike, and Stan enjoy a ski and snowboarding adventure.






After a hard morning on the mountain, the group warms up and relaxes in the lodge.


Take a look at the labs 1999 trip to Camp Muir.

Read about our 1998 and 1997 backpacking adventures.