Peak Assigner v2.6 - Excel VBA macro for peak assignments
Developed by:
Andrew Hook Ph.D. and David Scurr Ph.D.
Laboratory of Biophysics and Surface Analysis
School of Pharmacy
University of Nottingham
You can download the program here: Peak Assigner
The Excel file contains a tutorial to walk you through how to use the program.
Andrew and David have graciously provided access to the SIMS spectra for materials associated with the publication entitled:
'ToF-SIMS analysis of a polymer microarray composed of poly(meth)acrylates with C6 derivative pendant groups'
Authors = Andrew L. Hook, David J. Scurr
Journal = Surface and Interface Analysis
Volume 48, Issue 4, pages 226–236, April 2016
DOI: 10.1002/sia.5959
You can download the spectra here.
The zip file contains a 'readme' file that contains the details of the files provided and the analysis conditions.
You can also find the 'readme' file here