31(4) A Look at Blended Tube Meals: Part 2 – The How-To’s

This issue of Nutrition Focus is the second in a two-part series about blended tube meals (BTMs). Part 1 updated a 2004 issue discussing homemade blended tube feedings. Interest has grown in the use of blended food in a tube feeding. Families are requesting advice and guidance from health care providers.

Part 1 of this topic suggested the name, blended tube meals, to acknowledge the use of blended food (blended at home or commercially), fed via the tube as a meal whether for an adult or child. Part 1 also reviewed the continuum of food choices for a tube feeding, why BTMs are popular, who is a candidate, the RDN’s role, and recent research on this topic. An extensive list of resources and references was included. The list of resources are also included in this issue, as well as the pertinent references.

In Part 2, the “how-to’s” of the actual process for BTMs is discussed including delivery method, food safety, and inclusion of all nutrients and appropriate fluids. Examples of foods that work from each food group are given. Two family stories illustrate the decision to move to BTM and the outcomes for their children.

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A Look at Blended Tube Meals: Part 2 – The How-To’s

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