Requirements for Trainees

Appointments must be for a minimum of three quarters (nine months) duration, and may be renewed for a maximum of two years for students in a Master’s program and three years for those in doctoral training. Funding is only available for students enrolled at the UW with full-time student status (10 credits per quarter, Autumn, Winter, Spring; 2 credits during Summer). Under some circumstances, appointments, or extensions of appointments, may be obtained for shorter durations in consultation with Center staff and the student’s program faculty.

Trainees are supported with a combination of tuition and a monthly stipend. Tuition is paid in full by the NWCOHS, however there are some University-required fees that may need to be paid by the trainee.

The primary responsibility is fulfilling the requirements of the academic program in which the trainee is enrolled. In each of the programs, this includes fulfilling required coursework, seminar attendance, research activities and various capstone presentations such as a thesis defense. Students must be enrolled as full time students at the UW, and in a 'NIOSH approved curricula' to receive a NWCOHS traineeship:

Trainees are expected to attend our quarterly Interdisciplinary Research Seminar. This seminar is an important part of our interdisciplinary training and exposes students to a variety of approaches to occupational health research and problem-solving.

Training in research ethics. All Northwest Center trainees are required to obtain training in several areas of research ethics. This can be accomplished by attending at least four lectures in the Biomedical Research Integrity (BRI) series presented each summer by the School of Medicine. You are also encouraged to attend the discussion groups held in association with these lectures. Details of this requirement, and instructions on registration can be found in the research ethics memo.

Orientation materials (PDF):