Digital Reference Object
Updated: 21 June 2016

DROmtv Description

The PET Digital Reference Object for Metabolic Tumor Volume (DROmtv) is a set of synthetically generated DICOM image files of known voxel values for positron emission tomography (PET). The PET DROmtv is intended to test algorithms that compute metabolic tumor volumes in PET. The objects within have simulated partial volume effects by sub-sampling each voxel into 10x10x10 sub-voxels and taking the mean value. The volume of each object is computed by counting the number of sub-voxels used to generate each object.

There are two versions of the DROmtv in the package: one Noise-Free and one with Noise and 6mm FWHM Gaussian Smoothing.

The DROmtv contains three set of objects in different slices:

High Contrast Spheres: The DROmtv contains six spheres with the NEMA NU-2 Image Quality Phantom sphere diameters at a 4:1 constrast ratio. The largest sphere has a void equal to the size of sphere 3.

Other Objects: The DROmtv contains four other objects for testing MTV: a uniform cube, a spherical blob with a quadratic profile, a 5-lobed object of uniform activity, and an irregularly-sphaped object with non-uniform activity.

Low Contrast Spheres: The DROmtv contains six spheres with the NEMA NU-2 Image Quality Phantom sphere diameters at a 2:1 constrast ratio. The largest sphere has a void equal to the size of sphere 3.
DROmtv DROmtv
Representative axial views through the DROmtv image volume show the six spheres and four test objects for MTV testing.
Left: Noise-Free DROmtv spheres
Right: Noise-Free DROmtv test objects

Users of the DROmtv are asked to download the package, import the PET objectt into their viewing software, perform the tests, and submit the results back to this website.

Download the entire 20160428 DROmtv (for metabolic tumor volume) package here (includes all other files):