Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Intertidal Monitoring Program Protocol Review

Project ID: UW-01-13

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2001

Initial Funding: $9,200

Total Funding: $9,200

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Olympic National Park

Principal Investigator: Dethier, Megan

Agreement Technical Representative: Fradkin, Steven

Abstract: Monitoring of intertidal communities has occurred on the Olympic National Park coast since 1988. Monitoring was originally begun to collect baseline data on intertidal plant and animal communities in order to assess potential impacts of environmental insults, such as oil spills, and to establish baselines for restoration goals in the event of a spill. The monitoring program has been in existence for approximately 10 years, and has undergone several protocol changes. In 1998 the program management and implementation was assumed by ONP staff, previously it was designed and conducted under contract by Dr. Megan Dethier (University of Washington). Presently the Park has recognized a need to review historical data, program goals and protocols in order to take advantage of new science and incorporate additional management goals. This task agreement transfers funds to conduct a 3 day workshop of park managers, agency and academic scientists to review the Olympic National Park intertidal monitoring program.