Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Impact of Soil Erosion on the Declining Sockeye Salmon Population in Lake Ozette, WA

Project ID: WWU-01-3

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Western Washington University

Fiscal Year: 2001

Initial Funding: $12,281

Total Funding: $12,281

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Olympic National Park

Principal Investigator: Bach, Andrew

Agreement Technical Representative: Conca, Dave

Abstract: The objective of this research is to evaluate the impacts of land-use changes on the near-shore environment of the Lake Ozette watershed over the last 50 to 100 years. The population of sockeye salmon has declined substantially over the last four decades and was recently placed on the Federal Threatened Species list.
(Renumbered J9088010028.)
