Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

August 30, 2021

Department of the Navy Funding Opportunity: Southern California Beaked Whale Distribution

Request for Statements of Interest within the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Number N62473-21-2-0012

Project Title: Southern California Beaked Whale Distribution

Announcement files: Funding Attachments

Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will address measures in support of marine mammal monitoring. Approximately $325,698 to $363,471 is expected to be available to support the base period requirements of this project. Approximately $530,501 to $561,702 is expected to be available to support the Option Tasks of this project.

Type of Assistance Instrument Anticipated: Cooperative Agreement
Authority: Cooperative Agreement under 16 USC §670c-1
Eligible Applicants: Any Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit: Californian, Pacific Northwest, or Hawaii-Pacific Islands cooperative partner who qualifies under the DoDGARS Part 34 or 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200 is eligible to apply.

Brief Description of the Anticipated Work:
The Department of the Navy (DoN) is seeking statements of interest that address the Navy’s monitoring requirements for passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals in the Pacific Ocean. Generally, the Navy’s requirements include: (1) collect and analyze passive acoustic monitoring data for beaked whales in the Southern California Range Complex, (2) determine marine mammal presence from shipboard visual and acoustic arrays in the Southern California Bight and (3) develop explosive classifiers for naval and fisheries sources (4) develop an acoustic habitat model for marine mammals and (5) collect and analyze passive acoustic monitoring for marine mammals in the Gulf of Alaska.

Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
We request that Statements of Interest be submitted by September 10, 2021 2:00 PM local standard time. This Request for Statements of Interest will remain open until an investigator team is selected. Statements of Interest received after September 10, 2021 2:00 PM local standard time is considered “late” and may not be considered. Please submit requests for information/questions no later than September 6, 2021 2:00 PM local standard time.
Please send electronic responses and questions to:
Kevin Magennis
Contract Specialist, Environmental Acquisition Core