Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

March 25, 2022

National Park Service Funding Opportunity: Haleakala museum archives

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Haleakala Museum Archives


Estimated Total Funding: $82,000

Due date: April 15

Funding Instrument Type: CA – Cooperative Agreement

Management of park museum collections is required on behalf of National Park Service
(NPS) and Department of the Interior (DOI) laws and regulations. To preserve cultural and
natural resources in perpetuity, archival records need to be readily accessible for essential
daily management functions. An archival survey and appraisal is step one in managing a
park’s records. A FY2019 Collection Management Report estimated a backlog of 283,672
un-processed archival items (175.5 linear feet) in the Haleakala National Park (HALE)
museum collection. This represents nearly 100% of the total archival collection in the park,
though archives are constantly being added to the museum collection. These records
compose over 100 years of park history.

This project will provide for an archival survey, processing, and cataloging of HALE
museum archives. Various record series will be added to the Interior Collections
Management System (ICMS) archives module in appropriate series of existing cataloged
park records. Finding aids will be created to reflect the added records, which will be made
available to both the NPS and the public to aid park staff, visitors and researchers in using
the park archival collections.

The NPS is requesting assistance from a trained archivist such as a university faculty or
student program to work on HALE archives. The archivist will serve as Principal
Investigator (PI) responsible for processing the HALE archives. The PI will (1) conduct the
survey and appraisal of HALE archives, a quarter of which are HALE central files; (2) assist
HALE park staff, establish the workflow, and facilitate the processing and entry of
information into the ICMS of HALE archives comprising of some 175.5 linear feet (LF); and
(3) create a finding aid for the archives collections and NPS staff will place the finding aid
on the park’s website