Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 12, 2022

National Park Service Funding Opportunity: Historic Resource Study Addendum for First State National Historical Park

Request for Letters of Research Interest (LOI)

For the preparation of an addendum to the First State National Historical Park (FRST) Historic Resource Study

Project Title: Historic Resource Study addendum on African American History at FRST


The National Park Service (NPS), through the Interior Region 1, North Atlantic-Appalachian History and Preservation Assistance Office, requires the performance of research and writing of a Historic Resource Study (HRS) Addendum for First State National Historical Park (NHP) located in Delaware. The initial HRS was completed in 2019 and comprised of two major sections of historical overview: 1) History of the Brandywine Valley, and 2) Early settlement and development of the state of Delaware. This addendum project will address one of the primary research suggestions of the initial HRS – the addendum will expand the African American history context.

Additional information on this project; including project background/objectives, nature of work, stipulations, and project timeline can be found on the attached Scope of Work.  

We intend to use fiscal year 2022 funds for this project, approximately $100,000 including the CESU overhead rate of 17.5 percent. A detailed study proposal and cost estimate is requested at this time. Project award will be subject to the availability of funds. Only universities and institutions with a CESU $0 (Zero-dollar) Master Cooperative Agreement are eligible to apply.

Deadline for responding to this letter of interest is Friday, May 20, 2022.

Direct responses of interest before the closing date to Taylor Brookins via email. Questions may be directed to Taylor Brookins via phone or email.

Taylor Brookins
Historian, History & Preservation Assistance
National Park Service