Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Mitigate safety hazards and stabilize Skidoo Mill at Death Valley National Park

Project ID: P21AC12309

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Vermont and State Agriculture College

Fiscal Year: 2021

Initial Funding: $308,734

Total Funding: $308,734

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Death Valley NP

Principal Investigator: Porter, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: Wilson, Doug


This project will promote greater public and private participation in historic preservation programs and activities, and it will build resource stewardship ethics in its participants by providing opportunities for volunteers and student assistants to participate in the preservation of a valued cultural resource. Participants will receive direct experience in all aspects of historic preservation including project planning and execution, and will work closely with historic preservation professionals, allowing them to gain “real world”, hands-on experience outside the classroom.

The information products and/or services identified or developed by this project will be shared in order to increase public awareness, knowledge, and support for historic preservation and stewardship of the nation’s cultural and historical heritage. At the same time this project will support the Government’s objective to provide opportunities for youth to learn about resource preservation by spending time working on projects in National Parks. The NPS will receive an indirect benefit through the preservation of a significant cultural resource.